Pen To Paper - Autumn 2014 - page 21

Watch out, watch out there’s
a colleague about
In a separate survey of 2,000 working adults commissioned
by, more than one in three employees (35%)
admitted to pocketing items from their workplace.
More than a quarter (28%) say they take things because they
don’t have time to shop; 11% do so because they are underpaid;
and one in 10 says they ‘borrow’ items to tide them over until
payday. Almost one in 12 (7%) views pilfering as a perk of the job.
Stationery items including notebooks, envelopes, sticky tape
and glue are most likely to be nicked, but 8% of employees have
also taken home essential household products including bin bags,
rolls of toilet paper, teabags and soap.
Many employees also make use of business services to reduce
domestic utility bills: 19% charge personal gadgets at work; 12%
use their work phone to make personal calls; and 11% use the
officeWiFi for downloads.
0800 093 0607
Autumn 2014 | P2P Magazine |
of survey respondents felt that losing key items from the workplace
would affect their ability to work.
On a more positive note, Avery says that safeguarding equipment
and making the office a safer place doesn’t have to cost a lot. Labelling
valuables like company laptops, mobiles and IT equipment with durable,
heavy-duty or tamper-proof labels is a low cost way to deter theft.
Strategically placed signs warning of CCTV cameras, advising that
premises are monitored or simply informing would-be thieves that no
cash or valuables are stored overnight can also be effective.
For more information please contact your local
branch or email marketing
The Premier Paper Group is offering
customers and their clients the opportunity to
capture the CO
emissions from their paper
purchases by planting native woodland, right
here in the UK, through the
Woodland Trust
and the Woodland
Carbon scheme.
Carbon halfpp ad 3-13 21/03/2013 10:10 Page 1
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