Business Info - issue 158 30 magazine Q&A many other culture measurement platforms simply do not. This is because our measurements are based on 15 behavioural axes that encapsulate the key drivers of organisational culture, unlike many other platforms that only measure engagement. Whilst engagement is a good metric to measure in conjunction with culture, relying on it as the only driver of culture strategy is unwise. Instead of focusing on employee emotions and feelings, we generate more valuable insights into culture by understanding how work gets done internally. Culture15 drives improvement by enabling brands to diagnose and track their culture, however they choose to define it. BI: How do you plan to develop Culture15 in the future? CC: The platform is always growing, and our dedicated team of developers is currently looking to expand our AI capability and our data functionality to make it easier than ever for organisations across the globe to measure and manage culture. historically been described as an abstract concept and is something that many business leaders have struggled to quantify, understand and measure. By linking culture (aka behaviours) to business performance, Culture15 enables users to effectively diagnose the culture they have, define the culture they want and then close the Culture Gap through clear strategy and direction. This strategy is built from genuine insight provided by clear, quantitative and measurable data displayed on the Culture15 dashboard. To date, Culture15 has helped over 50 organisations across 65 countries accurately measure and manage their internal culture. BI: How exactly does the Culture15 platform measure culture? And how does this drive positive impact and improvements? CC: The Culture15 platform enables organisations to understand and visualise the behaviours that exist within their culture in a way that Business Info (BI): Culture15 provides a SaaS platform for measuring and managing corporate culture. How do you define company culture? Charlie Coode (CC): I believe the most practical definition of company culture is simply ‘how work gets done within an organisation’. By understanding collective behaviours (ways of working) you can actionably measure and manage your culture to ensure it maintains alignment with and works in conjunction with your overall business strategy. BI: What steps should an organisation take to improve its company culture? CC: I take the view that culture is entirely contextual and that there is no universally ‘good’ or ‘bad’ culture – of course, there are negative or toxic behaviours and these should always be avoided. The approach each organisation must take to improve culture will therefore be unique to them. First, you will need to define your desired ‘Target’ culture and compare that to where you are today. This exercise allows business leaders to understand the gap between where they are and where they want to be, which in turn creates space for important discussions around culture as a prerequisite for building an actionable roadmap to close that Culture Gap. You should then continually check in to understand your progress as you move closer to your desired culture. BI: How did you come up with the idea for the Culture15 platform and what impact has it had to date? CC: Culture15 was inspired by a dozen years I spent working as a culture consultant. The technology enables organisations to measure and manage culture, which has As Culture15 unveils a new AI feature with the potential to revolutionise culture management, Founder Charlie Coode explains the importance of measuring and managing company culture Understanding company culture Reading between the lines Culture15 is helping businesses to gain an objective overview of employee sentiment, with the launch of an AI-driven verbatim feature capable of translating qualitative employee feedback into quantitative data. Built on the Mistral 2 large language model, the Rosetta LLM maps spoken and written employee responses in 26 languages onto Culture15’s fifteen behavioural axes. Charlie Coode said: “Organisations are increasingly aware that culture is a driver of business success, but engagement surveys can be biased and alone are never enough. With our tool, organisations can go beyond surface-level data to gauge how work really gets done and which collective behaviours define the true culture of the organisation. Our role is to help leaders to read between the lines using AI, ensuring the workplaces they create truly resonate with their business goals and people.” He added: “Rosetta is not just a tool, it’s the future of culture management. Our goal is to equip leaders with previously unattainable insights to drive better results for employees and organisations alike.” Charlie Coode