Business info issue 156

01732 759725 05 magazine BULLETIN with photos and video uploaded via its mobile app, with automatic analysis by machine learning algorithms, it was able to draw the following insights from image-based material submitted by 113 survey participants: n Two thirds (67%) of Brits like cow’s milk in their tea, compared to 9% who use plant-based alternatives. n Almost one in 10 (9%) use more milk than water in their tea. n 5% put the milk in first. n Only 31% like sugar in their tea. n The optimum stewing time is 1 minute (preferred by 33%), followed by less than one minute (27%), more than 2 minutes (21%) and 2 minutes precisely (19%). n Half view light brown tea as the perfect colour, with 39% preferring dark brown tea. n When asked to make their perfect cup of tea, 25% of respondents choose alternatives to English Breakfast tea, with the most popular being Chai, Earl Grey and Green Tea. SBX’s new capabilities enable organisations to capture and analyse consumer photos and videos at scale, giving them enhanced sentiment and behavioural insights, with results available via an interactive dashboard in as little as 48 hours. ... A platform for health Vespucci Adventures has chosen May, National Walking Month, to launch its new digital platform and self-guided walking routes to the corporate market. Marketed as a way of improving mental and physical wellbeing in the workplace, Vespucci provides preplanned, self-guided walks, each one bespoke to the customer’s location and the needs/capabilities of its employees. CEO Patrick Morton said: “A survey of 2,000 UK adults showed those who spend 20 hours or more per week in a green or natural space are 41% more productive in an average day than those who spend less than 30 minutes a week outside. With May being both National Walking Month and Mental Health Awareness Week, it’s a good time to launch our new digital platform which provides access to pre-planned walks with start and finish points at the employee’s place of work.” Vespucci Adventure’s walking routes are suitable for companies of all sizes and can be used by individuals or whole teams. ... BT to help SMEs halve CO2e emissions BT is encouraging the UK’s small and medium-sized businesses to halve CO2e emissions by 2030 and achieve net zero emissions by 2050 through a new partnership with the UK Business Climate Hub (UKBCH), a joint government/industry initiative. Analysis by Sage suggests that the UK’s 5.5 million SMBs account for 44% of non-household emissions, making their role in tackling the climate crisis critical to the UK’s chances of hitting net zero by 2050. Halving emissions in the next six years could prevent 280 million tonnes of CO2e from entering the atmosphere. As an industry partner and member of the UKBCH Advisory Board, BT will help set SMEs on a path to net zero by making free resources available on the UK Business Climate Hub and by encouraging them to make a pledge to halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, achieve net zero emissions before 2050, and report progress on these goals annually. Chris Sims, Managing Director, Small and Medium Business at BT, said: “We know that many of our small business customers struggle to find the time, the funding or the guidance to help them prioritise sustainability. With the UK Business Climate Hub, we are beginning our journey to reach more businesses with free tools and practical support to help them set the foundations for a greener future and ultimately reach Net Zero.” These resources include net zero plans for individual SMEs, free carbon footprint calculators, online training and the Seven Steps to Sustainability guide. IT industry regatta returns to the Solent The Russell-Cooke Silicon Cup Regatta, the IT industry’s biggest charity sailing event, is returning to the Solent this September. The annual two-day event gives IT companies the opportunity to network with like-minded individuals on professionally crewed eight or ten-guest yachts, while raising money for three charities: The Genie’s Wish, The Andrew Simpson Foundation and Greig City Academy. Shaun Frohlich, Chairman of the Russell-Cooke Silicon Cup Regatta, said: “Last year’s event yielded an impactful £48,000 contribution to our three charities and we are excited to be returning to the water this September and pushing the funds raised even higher.” Over the last 23 years, more than 7,250 competitors have taken part in the regatta, raising a total of £1.15 million. The 2024 event sponsored by Russell-Cooke Solicitors for the second year will take place on September 17 and 18, with a gala dinner and charity auction at Cowes on the Isle of Wight on the night of the 17th. Chris Taylor of UKBCH (l), with BT’s Chris Sims (r)