Page 21 - Business Info - Issue 113

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Smart dictation & transcription
Enjoy total flexibility and outstanding recording technology. The
Olympus ‘Office Starter Kit' offers a complete package solution for
professionals and office environments, which includes a DS-2500
portable dictation machine and the AS-2400 transcription kit
including footswitch, stereo headset and software. This solution
ensures highest efficiency for the workflow between you and
your typist.
DS-2500 highlights
Digital Speech Standard Pro (DSS pro) format for
high-quality voice clarity and file-friendly compression
Professional dictation editing: overwrite, insert,
delete and lock
More than 300 hours of recording time with
2GB SD card
VCVA: voice activation for hands-free recording
Up to five folders for file management and index
setting to mark particular positions
Rechargeable via USB
Also available as Office Starter Kit with
foot switch and headset for hands-free
operation with Olympus DSS player
- the all-you-need solution
Office Starter Kit
(Incl. DS-2500, AS-2400)
For further information please e-mail
or visit