22 01732 759725 senior management team, and this year we had our first T-Level placement from Shrewsbury Colleges Group. We also attend careers fairs in schools and colleges to help educate students on the roles that are available in our industry. TR: How have you changed/are you changing business operations to exploit new opportunities? IG: We put cyber security front and centre of our offering. Being an NCSC Assured Service Provider, we aim to lead by example and provide Cyber Essentials for all clients with a proactive approach to cyber hygiene; we make extensive use of the CompTIA ISAO service for threat intelligence and best practice information; and we have begun hosting events where we can educate local businesses on cyber security. At our last event, one of our keynote speakers was Charlie McMurdie, Former Head of the Police National Cyber Crime Unit. As the founder and leader of the UK’s first-ever national cybercrime unit, Charlie’s efforts in the Metropolitan Police established a world-class cybercrime enforcement body, making her a true trailblazer in cyber security and a fantastic voice at our event. In 2021, we implemented the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) and this has completely transformed the way we run the company. Thanks to EOS, our company is built to scale, with an ever‑evolving organisational structure in place, led by our management team. 15%, and we’ve picked up several industry awards which have boosted our reputation. I feel very confident in the future of Start Tech. We’re on track to turnover £2.5 million next year, with 25% growth, and after over 24 years of operating, we are firmly engrained in the sector. TR: In what areas are you experiencing strongest demand? IG: Demand for our MSP bundles has been strong. Our offering has been simplified to remove the noise and complexity businesses face when looking for an IT provider. Clients want stronger partnerships with their IT provider and now see the value in an MSP. They are also looking for support with AI more than ever. As amazing as AI is, you need a strategy for how to use it and integrate it with other applications. You can’t just turn it on and see what happens. TR: What recent wins are you most proud of? IG: Aside from internal wins with sales and team growth, we have had a lot of literal wins at industry awards. In the last 12 months, we have been awarded the UK & Ireland Solution Provider Spotlight Award at the CompTIA Community Spotlight Awards; won a Pax8 Beyond Partner Award in the EMEA Peak Performance – Security category in Berlin; been named as one of Britain’s 50 Best Managed IT Companies for the second year running; and I picked up the MSP Titan of the Industry (EMEA) award in Los Angeles. We’re also proud of how our new Co‑Managed service has taken off. Our hybrid approach works alongside an internal IT Manager who is on-site Monday to Friday doing the day-to‑day management, benefitting from a team of IT experts looking at the bigger picture and doing the heavy lifting with specialist knowledge. TR: Where is business proving most difficult? IG: There is a skills shortage and a lack of people coming into the industry. We combat that as much as possible by creating our own pathways. Over one third of our employees started as apprentices in the business, including two of the Start Tech is an MSP based in Shrewsbury, Shropshire. It has been operating for 24 years and was one of the first IT providers in the UK to become a National Cyber Security Centre Assured Service Provider, putting cyber security expertise front and centre of its offering. The business is managed by Ian Groves, who in December 2024 picked up the MSP Titan of the Industry (EMEA) Award at a ceremony in Los Angeles. This capped a record year for Start Tech that saw it increase turnover by 24% and take on five new members of staff. Here we ask Ian for his View from the Channel. Technology Reseller (TR): How’s business? Better or worse than 12 months ago? And how confident are you about the future? Ian Groves (IG): Start Tech has had a phenomenal year in terms of growth. We’ve enjoyed a 24% increase in turnover in the last year, our team has grown by With Ian Groves, Managing Director of Start Tech View from the Channel… INTERVIEW Ian Groves