Technology Reseller v75 37 MSPS Peer pressure Greg Jones promoted to oversee Kaseya TruPeer programme in addition to existing duties Greg Jones, well known to all in the MSP community as leader of Kaseya/ Datto’s Global Partner Program, Global MDF programme and industry events across EMEA, has taken on even more responsibilities with his latest promotion. As Kaseya’s new Senior Vice President of MSP Enablement, Jones will also own and oversee Kaseya’s TruPeer program in EMEA. The business acceleration programme, which has been running in the US for 13 years, was launched in EMEA last October and held its first in-person event in the region in May. Kaseya claims that TruPeer’s proven TruMethods framework helps MSPs to grow faster, with a profit margin 150% to 250% higher than the average for non‑participating MSPs. When Technology Reseller met up with Jones at a recent Kaseya+Datto Connect Local event, The IT Evolution World Tour at the Red Bull Racing Technology Campus, Milton Keynes, he highlighted TruPeer as a key opportunity for MSP leaders in EMEA. “TruPeer helps MSPs get into the top 10% of MSPs in the world in terms of automation, profitability, the amount of staff per customers and the ticket ratio,” he said. “There are three parts to it: MSPs are put into a pod with seven, eight or nine other like-minded MSPs, creating a perfect incubator space for growth; they work on a programme called TruMethods, which is the framework for everything they need to do; and they have a program facilitator who guides them on their journey.” What Jones says he finds most exciting about TruPeer is that it is not just a case of turning a red number black but of freeing up time for participants which can have a beneficial impact on home life and relationships as well. “The programme unlocks time for MSP leaders so that they’re no longer tied to the business but can go on that holiday. Because we automate as much as possible, that person isn’t working in the business, they’re working on the business, if that makes sense. It has a huge impact and their business grows in a sustainable, scalable way.” TruPeer Emerge Since launching TruPeer in EMEA, Kaseya has introduced a virtual version for smaller MSPs wanting to boost their efficiency and win new business. “When we launched TruPeer in EMEA, we identified a lot of demand from people the programme wasn’t actually designed for i.e. smaller MSPs with one to five employees. Globally, we’ve now launched TruPeer Emerge for those smaller, emerging partners that are looking to grow. The two programmes are fundamentally the same except that Emerge participants meet virtually, rather than in-person, and we track different metrics that are relevant to the smaller size of organisation.” Jones describes the take-up of TruPeer Emerge as ‘phenomenal’ and ‘beyond our expectations’. “It shows that smaller MSPs need help, they need support and guidance and, most importantly for me, they are open to it and really embrace it. We vet candidates to make sure that they’re not just a lifestyle business but are really looking to grow and scale their MSP business, because that’s integral to the programme’s success.” Compliance boom Another key focus for Jones and Kaseya, which he describes as a huge opportunity for MSPs, is compliance. “We’ve been talking about cyber security and cyber resiliency for the last eight, arguably 10 years. Now, we’re at the beginning of a new wave, a new journey, which is compliance. Many frameworks are coming into force from early next year – the likes of NIS2 and DORA – on top of GDPR, which obviously we’ve already got, and even frameworks like ISO accreditations and Cyber Essentials. These are all areas where SMEs need help and support, and they are leaning on MSPs to provide it for them and make sure they’re compliant.” Much of the impetus for this, Jones suggests, is flowing down from enterprises where whole teams are involved in compliance. “Whenever we see a trend emerging in the enterprise space, it typically flows down to the SME world and what we’re now seeing is that to do business with larger scale SMEs or enterprises you need to be compliant with these regulations. It’s mandated in the tenders they’re putting out to the market. Quite simply, if you don’t do it, you’re not going to be doing business with them. Compliance in not optional.” Jones adds that Kaseya can help MSPs address compliance in numerous ways, from tools like Compliance Manager, which enables them to manage multiple frameworks in one platform, to vulnerability scanning tools and penetration testing tools, to an array of education, training and development programmes, including TruPeer and TruPeer Emerge. Greg Jones