Technology Reseller - v74

20 01732 759725 60 Seconds TR: What new products and services can you offer MSPs? JA: This has been a big year for us in terms of releases. So far, we’ve launched the new and improved CyberSmart Active Protect and our new vulnerability management tool CSVM; we’ve changed our insurance provider to help our partners and customers gain more from their policies; and we’ve relaunched our Partner Program with an improved structure and extra benefits for resellers and MSPs. And there’s more to come. We’ll shortly be relaunching the mobile version of CyberSmart Active Protect, which is something we’re very excited about. TR: What should IT managers be doing to become cyber-resilient? JA: At CyberSmart, we believe in a concept called ‘Complete Cyber Confidence’. This references an organisation’s trust in its ability to protect its digital assets, data and systems from unauthorised access, cyber-attacks and data breaches. To get there, organisations need to look beyond compliance with regulations (although that’s a great start) and adopt a comprehensive approach that encompasses everything from proactive risk management and staff training to risk transfer through things like cyber insurance. This is what our company and product suite is built on. TR: What are your business highlights of the year so far? JA: It’s been an excellent year so far. Each of the releases I mentioned earlier is a highlight in itself and there’s also our continued growth as a business. But for me nothing tops CyberSmart Live, our annual partner event. It’s always great to get everyone in the same room and hear some great speakers who are really pushing forward cybersecurity as an industry. TR: What should resellers be looking to capitalise on in the next few years? JA: Cybersecurity, becoming customers’ trusted cybersecurity partner. We recently released a research report on MSPs/ resellers and their cybersecurity and the biggest takeaway is that 65% of MSP CyberSmart is an all-in-one cybersecurity monitoring, optimisation, training and insurance platform for small and medium-sized businesses that don’t have extensive in-house cybersecurity skills and resources. It provides simple, cost-effective technology that enables SMEs to protect themselves without cyber expertise; the fastest route to governmentgrade certification; free cyber insurance upon certification; and a Privacy Toolbox that ensures customers stay on top of their data privacy obligations. Technology Reseller (TR): What's your role at CyberSmart? JA: CEO and founder. However, I’ve worn almost every hat since founding the company, from sales and marketing to a spell in charge of development. TR: Why should resellers partner with CyberSmart? JA: Our mission is to help underserved SMEs better protect themselves from cyber threats, and this is reflected in our Partner Program. We give resellers all the tools, support and resources they need to deliver complete cyber confidence to their customers. At the same time, we offer a product with proven appeal to small businesses that complements their existing portfolios – helping them to sell more and grow their reach. Essentially, if you have SME customers we can help you become the security partner they can’t live without. 60 seconds with... Jamie Akhtar, Co-founder and CEO, CyberSmart customers now expect their provider to manage either their cybersecurity infrastructure or both their cybersecurity and their IT infrastructure. And resellers are rising to the challenge. Some 73% of those we surveyed said they were pivoting to offer more cybersecurity services to their clients. if you’re not doing that already, now is the time to look at what you can offer. TR: What type of support can you provide new channel partners? JA: At CyberSmart we’re pretty unique in the level of support we give to our partners. We offer dedicated account manager support, joint business planning, marketing development funds, comprehensive training and onboarding, out-of-the-box marketing campaigns, and access to free products. We really go the extra mile to help our partners grow their businesses. TR: What’s currently having the greatest impact on your business? JA: Cybersecurity is constantly evolving and we have to continually adapt to make sure we’re offering our customers the best possible protection. TR: What’s the best bit of business advice you’ve ever been given? JA: That’s simple: Do what you love. TR: What is your favourite quote? JA: ‘The best way to predict the future is to create it’: Peter Drucker. TR: What’s on your playlist at the moment? JA: Worakls, a French DJ. I’m a big fan of electronic music in general. TR: What’s the most used app on your phone and why? JA: MyZone, a heart rate training app. I spend most of my spare time doing some form of training and this helps me get the most out of it. Anyone who’s into their fitness should check it out! TR: How do you like to spend your spare time? JA: Training. running, cycling, working out and trying new sports. Jamie Akhtar