Technology Reseller v69 25 INTERVIEW they are equipped with the latest skills and knowledge, we are able to differentiate ourselves from competitors and attract clients who value expertise and reliability. It is essential to showcase our specialised knowledge through industry accreditations. We recently gained a VMware Master Service Competency in Digital Workspace, and we are particularly proud of this achievement as it highlights ebb3 as industry leaders. This not only instils confidence in our customers but also sets us apart from the competition. By continuously investing in team training and pursuing industry accreditations, we ensure that we are well-equipped to deliver exceptional value to our clients, helping them achieve their goals and driving mutual success. TR: What do you see as the biggest challenges facing channel businesses today? CB: I'd say one of the most significant challenges is the struggle to add substantial value in an increasingly competitive landscape. With so many players fighting for attention, it’s crucial for channel businesses to differentiate themselves and provide unique value propositions to their clients. It is crucial that we stay relevant amidst rapidly evolving technologies and market trends. Keeping up with the latest advancements and ensuring that our offerings remain cutting-edge requires constant vigilance and adaptability. TR: Could vendors and distributors do more to help you overcome these challenges? And if so, what? CB: Our partner vendors play a crucial role in the success of our company. If they could tailor their offerings to better support specialisation, it would be a game-changer for us. Providing more targeted training, custom solutions, or even just being more attentive to our specific requirements would definitely help us overcome challenges more effectively. It's all about collaboration and understanding each other's needs to drive mutual success. TR: Are customers becoming more demanding, and if so, in what ways? CB: I don't believe that customers are becoming more demanding; they are just getting better at articulating their requirements and preferences. This shift towards clearer communication is actually a positive development from my perspective. It enables us to gain deeper insights into our customers' needs and pain points, ultimately empowering us to provide more tailored solutions and services. By being more open about where they need assistance, our customers are facilitating a more collaborative relationship, allowing us to better align our offerings with their specific needs and expectations. This improved level of communication is fostering a more open partnership between us and our customers, ultimately leading to more mutually beneficial outcomes. TR: If you could change one aspect of your job, what would it be and why? CB: I love my job as CEO of ebb3. It is a pleasure to lead a talented team of individuals who are passionate about driving innovation and delivering exceptional results. If there’s one thing I’d like to change, it would be to have more opportunities for in-person networking. Establishing and maintaining relationships with partners, customers and vendors is crucial to my role as CEO, and face-to-face interaction is the best way to build these connections. In the future, I hope to participate in more exciting events where I can engage with fellow industry leaders and showcase the potential of ebb3’s services.