Technology Reseller v59

60 Seconds 01732 759725 32 What were your business highlights of 2022? Even the smallest customers are looking for more advanced ways to communicate, which makes Xelion a great fit. What is currently having the greatest impact on your business? We have seen fantastic growth here in the UK and across other territories, with the UK growing by 39%. What are your priorities for 2023? We will continue to focus on our partners and their end customers. Xelion 8.2 will be released any time now, and this includes new features that allow smaller customers to run high-end call centre functions as standard in the Xelion user licence. Where do you see the next big opportunity for Xelion and its resellers? The biggest opportunity we see right now is in enabling customers with an omni-channel solution that provides voice, messaging, WhatsApp and more in one place. This makes for a very sticky customer that our competition finds hard to pitch against. What would make your day job easier? We have a great team, and we need more staff like them! What was your first job? I worked in a metal fabrication factory making high end impellers for turbine engines. How did you get into telephony? I worked in one of the largest BT Openworld call centres, in support, before joining Griffin Internet. What’s the best bit of business advice you’ve been given? Decide quick, fail fast. The message here is to make quick informed decisions. Do not procrastinate. And if your decision is wrong or something isn’t working, accept it, change and move on. What would your dream job be? I’ve always enjoyed flying and would like to pick this back up at some point. How do you like to spend your spare time? I love family holidays, both in the UK and overseas, and also enjoy gaming online. I have been playing with the same group of people for the last 20 years. Favourite holiday destination? Mauritius If you had had a crystal ball, would you have done anything differently in your life? I would have started Xelion 2 years earlier. Celebrating its 35th anniversary this year, hosted telephony provider Xelion was founded in the Netherlands in 1988. It entered the UK in 2016, when Reynolds joined as UK MD, and in 2012 launched the Xelion cloud-based telephony solution. Last month, Xelion moved into larger UK premises to support its continued growth and the ongoing delivery of its partner training programme. Dave Reynolds, Managing Director UK, Xelion 60 seconds with...