Technology Reseller v59

01732 759725 28 MANAGED SERVICES Is the quality of your VoIP telephone calls letting you down? “POUVEZ-VOUS M’ENTENDRE?” Springer Spaniel [Canis lupus familiaris] Automation, cybersecurity and integration are the top three priorities for managed service providers (MSPs) this year, according to the 2023 MSP Benchmark Report from Kaseya. The acquisition of new customers and sophisticated security threats are seen as the greatest challenges facing MSPs. As in previous years, the report provides an interesting snapshot of MSP attitudes, based on a global survey of more than 1,000 MSPs, albeit with a clear bias towards the Americas, where 83% of respondents reside, compared to 11% from EMEA and 6% from the APAC region. Just over one third (37%) of respondents were MSP executives, with almost two thirds (63%) categorised as MSP technicians. Automation Almost all MSPs (90%) consider automation to be crucial for their business, enabling them to take on more clients and generate more revenue by automating common processes like endpoint management, monitoring, patching, ticket resolution and even cybersecurity. More than half of the executives (64%) and technicians (54%) surveyed picked automation, including auto-remediation of tickets, as their top RMM feature, ahead of remote control, OS patch management and security. Integration Given the importance of automation to MSPs, it is not surprising that the same number of respondents (90%) agreed that integration between core applications is critical to their business, helping them to take on more staff, streamline processes, reduce duplication of effort, respond to customer queries more rapidly and automate repetitive tasks. About one third (63%) of executives surveyed said that integration enables them to take on more clients and expand their business, with 54% saying it means fewer technicians are needed to manage the workload. Almost half (49%) of executives said integration helps them cut costs. By the same token, lack of integration between solutions continues to hinder daily operations (cited by 17%) and productivity, with 18% complaining that technicians waste too much time switching between applications. More than half of the respondents (53%) ranked the ability to integrate their professional services automation (PSA) tool with core IT tools as the top feature they look for in a PSA system. Four out of 10 respondents (39%) reported that the biggest obstacle to business growth is the inability of technicians to maximise software usage. Cybersecurity Cybersecurity is viewed as far and away the greatest IT challenge facing MSPs, well ahead of business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR) in second place and managing public cloud adoption/migration/ Automation, automation, integration Cybersecurity a challenge and opportunity for MSPs, according to latest Kaseya MSP Benchmark Report