Technology Reseller v44

©Northamber 2021 E and O.E. November ‘21 Call us on 020 8296 7015 | follow us Manage Security Services withWatchGuard Cloud WatchGuard Cloud is a leading, trusted platform for the delivery of managed security services. It eliminates the cost and complexity typically required tomanage, log, and report on all security services by consolidating themall into one Cloud platform. One trusted, powerful platform for all your security service management Talk to the Northamber experts for more on WatchGuard Cloud, for demonstrations and one-to-one consultancy sessions. • Easy navigation between customer accounts. Toggle between accounts while maintaining the same page location and screen view for simpli ed management. • Quickly understand the state of security services from licensing to logging and reporting, and more. • All-in-one licensingWatchGuard Cloud is included with all Basic and Total Security Suite licenses. • Proactive alerts and noti cations. Stay ahead of tasks with alerts for license expirations, security exceptions, service status, and more. • Built-in role-based access control. Easily set up permission-based roles during onboarding that can be adjusted at any time. • Simultaneous account access. Partners can view, manage, and con gure security services in their customers’ accounts for easier trouble-shooting and remote management. WatchGuard Cloud makes it simple to manage and report on your AuthPoint multi-factor authentication, WatchGuard endpoint security and Firebox network security deployments from a single pane of glass. The WatchGuard® Di erence Simplicity Innovation Performance Visibility Support