Print.IT - issue 49
PRINT.IT 23 2017 REVIEW To help make your business more secure, contact Vision today: Tel: 08449 808700 enquiries Secure the device HP Sure Start keeps BIOS safe Whitelisting keeps firmware safe Run-time intrusion detection keeps memory safe Secure the data Authentication prevents unauthorised access Encryption prevents data theft and alteration Monitoring identifies threats and self-heals 0 Secure the document Workplace privacy and compliance through secure document workflow Anti-counterfeit tools deter tampering and fraud Easily managed security across the fleet HP JetAdvantage Security Manager delivers the most comprehensive printing security in the market, with policy-based protection for printing and imaging devices. Get the support you need to build, deploy, and maintain your device security and compliance plan. Unsecured firmware, hard drives, control panels, input and output trays all can open devices, and the network, to attack. Vision and HP provide the industry’s strongest print security to help protect your devices, data, and documents. Vision Managed Print and Managed Document Services Make You More Secure Only 18% of companies monitor printers for threat. How about yours? Recognise hidden risks IT is continually tasked with protecting confidential information, inlcuding employee identities and customer data, across multiple devices and environments. Although many IT departments rigorously apply security measures to individual computers and the network, printing and imaging devices are often overlooked and left exposed. When there are unsecured devices, the entire network can be exposed to a cybersecurity attack. Understand potential costs Even one security breach has the potential to be costly. If private information is jeopardised due to unsecured printing and imaging, the ramifications would include identity theft, stolen competitive information, a tarnished brand image and reputation, and litigation. Plus, regulatory and legal noncompliance can result in heavy fines. Vision can help Vision can help you automate device, data, and document protections with a broad portfolio of solutions. Our print security experts can help you develop and deploy an end-to-end imaging and printing security strategy. The industry’s strongest print security 60% IT managers reported a printer data breach 64% IT managers reported likely printer malware infection Vision is an independent specialist provider of award-winning Managed Print, Managed Document, and IT Services. Vision is an accredited partner with leading technology vendors, implementing nationwide Managed Print and Managed Document services into large corporations and medium enterprises across both the private and public sectors. Utilising a range of market-leading technology, print and document management software, we have assisted our clients in reducing costs, increasing productivity, enhancing their eco-credentials and improving efficiency. Vision and HP are working together to bring you the world’s most secure Managed Printing Solution.
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