Print.IT Reseller - issue 98

01732 759725 48 Q&A View from the channel Q: How’s business; better or worse than 12 months ago? And how confident are you about the future? A: Business is great, much better than 12 months ago as corporate companies creep back into the office. The future looks fantastic, the AV and digital solutions aspects of our business just haven’t stopped as organisations introduce more agile working practices within their businesses. More recently we have seen more businesses engaged on re-profiling their print estates so, the future is good, we feel very positive. Q: In what areas are you experiencing strongest demand? A: As above really, supporting companies in the process of implementing agile working practices and the impact this has on technology, focusing on technology that is intuitive and allows us all to operate irrespectively of where and how we work. Q: How have you changed/are you changing business operations to exploit new opportunities? A: This is what is great about Aura. We were conceived to help companies reimagine the workspace of the future and therefore the Aura business is fit for purpose for every business out there. In fact, even further, emphasis on ‘as-a-service’, focusing on utilisation of investments and positive outcomes. Q: What do you see as the biggest challenges facing channel businesses today? A: From our business perspective, it’s about our ability to scale and find the right balance between organic growth and positive acquisitions that complement the business to enable us, our customers and partners achieve the goals we have set. Clearly the technology supply shortages is a major challenge Stephen Todd, Chief Revenue Officer, Aura that Aura and many others face. I also feel the channel generally needs to work out what they are good at and focus on quality partnerships that add more value to customers. Q: Could vendors and distributors do more to help you overcome them? And if so, what? A: Yes, I feel they could. Obviously, the major help would be product availability. The vendors and distributors are not directly at fault but anything they can do to speed things up would be a great help. Also, innovation is crucial. Helping Aura and the channel continue to drive leadership in technology will be a massive help over the coming years. Vendors openly encouraging collaboration between channels to help drive more business and enhance customer value. Q: If you could change one aspect of your job what would it be and why? A: Might sound corny, but not one thing! I love every aspect of my role, evangelising the Aura business to new and current customers and driving change and positive outcomes. I just wish we all did not get that little bit older each year. Stephen Todd