Print.IT Reseller - issue 92

Editor's Comment 2
Bulletin: What's new in printers and printing 4
People: A round-up of new hires 16
I couldn't do my job without... Roger Stocker picks his favourite work tools 18
Research: The metaverse office gains momentum 20
PrintIT Awards: The 2022 categories are announced 22
Focus on: What's New - A round-up of recent product launches 26
Business Intelligence: MPS Monitor enhances BI capability 30
Distribution: Tech Data extends as-a-service offering 32
Dealer Profile: AR Digital expands into IT 34
IT Services: EBM looks to acquire for growth 38
VOX POP: Committed to a sustainable future: part two 40
View from the Channel: Greg Tuohy, CEO, Cantec Group 48
60 seconds with... Patrick Winterbotham, Managing Director, Data Direct 50
PITR Top Distributors, Suppliers and Manufacturers 50