ANALYSIS PRINTITRESELLER.UK 19 Data Direct (Thames Valley) Ltd | 11 Ivanhoe Road | Hogwood Lane Industrial Estate | Finchampstead | Berkshire | RG40 4QQ Multiple opportunities & solutions designed for dealers O P E N N G OPPORTUNIT ES SMART KEEP YOUR BUSINESS GOING Covid-19, flu, E-coli, MRSA and Norovirus are all possible disruptors to your workplace, affecting your reputation, productivity and continuity. SmartMister™, with SmartMister Solution (HOCl*) combined, kills 99.999% of harmful germs, viruses, and spores, including Covid-19. SmartMister is proven to reach every touchpoint in a room so you can operate with total peace of mind. * The most effective disinfectant available, non-irritating to skin, kind to our wellbeing and the environment. Data Direct The UK’s leading independent dealer-only distributor of printer & copier supplies, consumables, parts & workplace solutions. Data Direct’s new product introductions, innovations, processes and programme of support solutions have benefitted hundreds of dealers. Resellers Talk to us today about howwe can support you and your enduser customers to operate in the new-normal, as well as becoming a SmartMister Authorised Reseller. +44(0) 1274 449 633