Print.IT Reseller - issue 87

VOX POP 01732 759725 46 our offerings for workflow and print, workspace collaboration and visual communications. As part of our client onboarding process, we conduct a full IT and security review in order to tailor an appropriate security solution. Specifically for print this includes – print device selection and configuration, deployment of secure printing infrastructure technologies (on-prem or cloud-based) and data protection solutions. Our dedicated risk and compliance team help provide regular advice on information data security and review new threats and advances in technology in to continuously ensure that that our clients’ data is protected. “Furthermore, we frequently host security awareness events, inviting both current and potential customers to highlight the risks and how to best combat them.” James Overton: “SOS Systems’ print management solution offerings provide additional layers of security when transmitting print jobs across a network by encrypting the data. While jobs are in transit through a network and susceptible to interception, they remain encrypted until they reach the device from where they can be securely released. “Document security is paramount for organisations in order to avoid data breaches, theft of intellectual property or confidential documents falling into the wrong hands and therefore printing security must form part of any holistic security policy.” Neil Sawyer: “There is an ongoing awareness and education need. With new technologies, accelerated shifts in working styles and emerging threats, businesses should view security as a journey. We’re working with our channel partners to develop the expertise in the channel to help their customers navigate new challenges. In addition to available marketing tools and resources to arm partners for success, HP offers security training and certification through HP University. “Our goal is to position channel partners as a trusted advisor to the customer, to help elevate the security conversation with end-users. One of the tools we’ve put together for our partner community is a vulnerability assessment tool which channel partners can use as a selling point. The tool can run against printers to identify where businesses may be running out of date firmware and where devices may be out of compliance with a policy – for example, by having at risk setting. This is also provided as a cloud-based solution. “With the ever-growing number of endpoints to guard due to the mass shift to remote work, customers of all sizes are looking for new tools. That’s why HP is arming partners with HP Wolf Security, our integrated portfolio of secure by design printers and PCs built from over 20 years of security research and innovation to offer a unified portfolio for customers focused on delivering comprehensive endpoint protection and cyber-resiliency.” That means it’s a topic we constantly discuss with our partners to ensure the security message consistently filters down to end-users. “In discussions with them, we stress that secure print has to be considered holistically and in the context of the print lifecycle, which outlines what happens to a print job before, during and after printing. Before the job is physically printed, the focus is all about securing your print infrastructure and addressing not only who can print, but importantly what they can print and which devices they can physically print to. When it comes to the print process itself, ensuring you secure the print workflow is of paramount importance and this is where functionality such as secure print release can play a massive part. “Finally, let’s not forget about the security of the printed document itself. This area focuses on securing printed output and protecting documents once printed via functionality such as digital signatures and watermarking, allowing documents to be tracked and traced back to their originators. “Considering security at all of these stages is key as there is still no silver bullet. Robust security has always been grounded in people, practice, product and policy and we can’t let up on communicating the role they all play in making, in this case, print more secure.” Sajan Shivshanker: “At Aura, data security is an integral part of our workspace solutions across all of Neil Sawyer Steve Holmes ...continued When it comes to the print process itself, ensuring you secure the print workflow is of paramount importance and this is where functionality such as secure print release can play a massive part