Print.IT Reseller - issue 87

VOX POP nevertheless prevalent across businesses more broadly. At Sharp, we work with and advise our customers on how they can put the necessary print security measures in place, and which devices and solutions would be best suited to their business needs. “We encourage our end-users to implement best practices for print security. This is always an ongoing conversation, from pre-sales consultancy to post-sales service, and includes providing customers with all of the necessary information they need to know about the risks and how they can best protect themselves. “In addition, part of this conversation is making sure that we recommend the right devices that have security built in. For example, MFPs can come with data encryption as standard. It is also possible to add data security kits or software solutions that provide more comprehensive and extensive security levels. Our devices are Common Criteria certified too, ensuring that our security features are independently tested and verified to the highest industry standard. “A solution that has become more popular amongst end-users are print control or print management solutions, which secure printed data. Such solutions manage print jobs in the cloud or on- premise and require authentication by the user at the device before they can be completed. If the print job is not released by the user, the MFP will automatically delete it – reducing the risk of a data breach or documents being left at the device. “Sharp’s approach to security is at the forefront of our work, and along with print security we actively look at the whole office and IT security landscape with our customer. We help and advise with best practice and solutions that can aid with not only keeping all areas of the business secure from threat, but also ensure that legal and compliance requirements are met in the process.” Andy Ratcliffe: “We work with our customers and their end-users to educate them about the potential security threats from their print infrastructure, including: theft of printed assets from the document tray; potential access to previously scanned documents from the memory; hackers submitting false print jobs to provide a remote cyber-attack; network vulnerability due to an unlatched print device; and data breaches of secure information such as customer information and financial details. “Through education, end-users are more aware of good and bad practice to avoid basic security issues. We ensure our solutions go above and beyond security measures and information standards by providing hardware encryption, document audit trails, data redaction and certified end-of-life cleansing and hard drive removal. “It must also be a priority that print devices are included under any data protection and GDPR policies and that these policies are understood by all end- users in a business.” Stuart Mabe: “Managed print services will be a key weapon in resellers’ armoury when looking to equip businesses with what they need to shore up their systems’ security. These systems give IT leads complete oversight of devices across the network in order to identify threats, while helping them to manage usernames and passwords that, if left to default settings, can be easily accessed by criminals. Through remote monitoring, IT teams can also deliver the crucial firmware upgrades that keep the door to hackers closed and businesses one step ahead in the cybersecurity arms race. “As a vendor, we’re ensuring that all of our devices have built-in security features as standard, and they’re also compatible with the leading print management software solutions such as PaperCut and Kofax, enhancing the level of security of print systems.” Steve Holmes: “At PaperCut, security isn’t just ‘baked-in’ to our products; it’s a fundamental part of the company’s DNA. includes secure access features that ensure that only authenticated and authorised users can work with valuable and protected information on Lexmark devices and software. Additionally, features supporting network security can harden Lexmark devices against unauthorised access. From blocking unnecessary features to locking down device interfaces and securing the data, they contain; Lexmark devices include a range of features embedded in the firmware to help you harden a device. At the same time, secure remote management provides a wide range of tools and device capabilities to effectively manage a fleet of networked laser printers and multifunction products. “Businesses also need to be aware that documents routinely contain sensitive information, like financial data, personally identifying customers or employees, and account information. Lexmark security features, and available solutions, focus heavily on document security to keep your documents, whether physical or virtual – out of the wrong hands or views. “Carefully engineered hard disk security equips Lexmark printers and multifunction products that contain internal hard disks to keep an organisation’s secrets. Lexmark devices are validated for Information Technology Hardcopy Device and System Security, using the 2600-2008 IEEE Standard. In addition, Lexmark is the first imaging manufacturer to receive ISO 20243 certification for supply chain integrity.” Clive Hamilton: “As the way we work changes, businesses need a fast, end-to- end infrastructure default setting within the printers and multifunction devices in their environment, according to the individual company policy on security. The need to take the guesswork out of print security is essential. “What we try to do to support businesses and their IT partners is to offer a printer security audit service which helps them manage security across their fleet infrastructure. Our service delivery analysts review the baseline set up and then configure and drive uniform device behaviour across the managed print services environment. The report that is created from this audit is then given to the client for them to add into their IT security policy for the business.” Kerry Rush: “The issue of overlooking printer protection is more common amongst smaller companies, but is PRINTITRESELLER.UK 45 If the print job is not released by the user, the MFP will automatically delete it – reducing the risk of a data breach or documents being left at the device Clive Hamilton continued...