Print.IT Reseller - issue 85

At the time of writing, the deadline to enter the PrintIT Awards 2021 is just days away. Entries must be in no later than 5pm on July 30. Winning an award is a fantastic achievement, but you’ve got to be in it to win it! It is completely free to nominate your company for an award, so there’s no excuse not to throw your hat in the ring! We would encourage you to enter as many categories as you see fit to increase your chances of winning. Good luck! After 12 years at Lexmark as UK & Ireland Managing Director and Channel Director, Martin Fairman has joined Kyocera as its new Group Sales and Marketing Director. Find out more about the company’s plans to further expand its customer and channel partner relationships (page 28). Print has historically been lagging behind as customers migrate core IT infrastructure to the cloud, but the tide seems to be changing. Quocirca’s latest report revealed that 72 per cent of organisations are planning to increase their use of cloud print management between now and 2025. This month’s VOX POP looks at how cloud services are re- writing the rule book when it comes to business operations and customer expectations (page 46). In this issue, Richard Wells, Head of Business Sales, Epson UK, picks the work tools he uses every day and couldn’t do his job without (page 18). This month’s Q&A is with Joachim Sturmhoefel, Managing Director, SEH Technology, and PITR spent 60 seconds with Pål M. Rødseth, CEO, Asolvi. If you’ve got any news about your business to share, would like to be included on our monthly VOX POP panel, have a compelling business success story or simply wish to comment on any industry issues, please get in touch with us at: Michelle Ryder , Editor PRINT.IT Reseller is published by Kingswood Media Ltd., 10 Amherst House, 22 London Road, Sevenoaks TN13 2BT • Tel: 01732 759725 Email: No part of PRINT.IT Reseller can be reproduced without prior written permission of the publisher. © 2021 Kingswood Media Ltd. Design: Sandtiger Media 04 Bulletin What’s new in printers and printing 16 People A round-up of new hires 18 I couldn’t do my job without... Richard Wells picks his favourite work tools 20 Research Market consolidation, ecosystem building and innovation on the horizon 22 Focus on: What’s New A round-up of recent product launches 24 Technology Live What to see at Technology Live on September 28 28 One-to-One Martin Fairman, Group Sales and Marketing Director, Kyocera 32 MPS Armor increases profitability for partners 34 Partner Program M-Files launches new partner program 38 Print IT Awards 2021 Deadline to submit entries is looming 43 Innovation Technical debt is a threat to innovation 44 Marketing Report signals hard refresh for B2B marketers 46 VOX POP Re-writing the rule book – part one 50 Sustainability Channel-vendor partners must rise to the opportunity to operate more sustainably 52 View from the Channel Joachim Sturmhoefel, Managing Director, SEH Technology 54 60 seconds with... Pål M. Rødseth, CEO, Asolvi ISSUE 85 · 2021 Comment Register online To receive your regular FREE printed copy of PrintIT Reseller Magazine simply fill in our online registration form at If you no longer wish to receive PrintIT Reseller magazine please email your details to Read PrintIT Reseller online at: Join us : Follow us @PrintITReseller Issue 85 ISSN 2055-3110 (Print) ISSN 2055-3129 (Online) Group Editor: James Goulding 07803 087228 · Editor: Michelle Ryder 01732 759725 · Publishing Director, Social Media and Web Editor: Neil Trim 01732 759725 · Advertising Director: Ethan White 01732 759725 · Group Sales: Martin Jenner-Hall 07824 552116 · Art Director: Nick Pledge 07767 615983 · Advertising Executive: James Trim 01732 759725 · COMMENT Certified HDD Erasure Certified WEEE Disposal Consultancy Customer Portal Timed Deliveries & Out of Hours Service Storage Site Survey & Risk Assessments Preparation Installation Relocation Collection Connectivity & Network Installation Tel: 0345 154 0338 Fully Insured & SafeContractor Accredited ECOSYSTEMS 2.0 How to drive marketing value from your most important relationships The Convergent Technology Event for IT Resellers & Providers Business Design Centre · London · 28 September 2021 2021 Business acker Study dition) ucted April to May st print industry 57 respondents rom a mixture annel Partners D-19: erating ndustry ormation NLOAD MARY FINDINGS Impact of COVID-19 on business Market disruption will drive innovation Agree or strongly agree responses COVID-19 presents an opportunity to drive innovation 81 % COVID-19 has caused significant disruption to our industry 80 % We will need to change our operating model as a result of COVID-19 63 % 1 % Significant decline The majority have seen a decline in print volumes 56 % Marginal decline 29 % No change 7 % Marginal increase 4 % What impact are you seeing on customer print volumes? Significant increase 4 % Critical impact business may have to close permanently Significant impact critical threat to business that can be mitigated Limited impact minimal threat to business No impact no threat to business Can be seen as an opportunity for business Positive impact 3 % 8 % 46 % 19 % 22 % Collaboration, cloud and digitisation opportuniti s Anticipated future customer interest COVID-19 presents a transactions opportunity for my business (merger/ acquisition) 48 % Optimism on revenue growth Very strong growth (>15%) Strong growth (6% - 15%) Stable/Flat Declining (6% - 15%) Strong decline (>15%) 13 % 42 % 27 % 11 % 8 % Expected growth 2021/2022 Only a quarter are confident that print volumes will bounce back Alliances are key to future relevance 62 % Strengthen alliances 20 % Remain independent 38 % Merge with other OEMs 15 % Be acquired by another OEM/organisation 11 % None of the above 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Neither confident nor unconfident Very confident Not very confident Confident No confidence at all Don’t know 22 % 18 % 43 % 10 % 2 % What is best future strategy for OEMs? 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 4 % Cloud-based digital workflows 91 % Device-as -a-Service 73 % Cloud-based print management services 81 % Digitisation of paper-based process 83 % Collaboration services 87 %