PrintIT Reseller - issue 49
PRINT IT RESELLER.UK 13 BULLETIN 81% OF BUSINESSES ARE LOOKING TO STREAMLINE DOCUMENT PROCESSES. 1 ©2017XeroxC orporation.All ri ghts reserved.Xerox, ® XeroxandDesign, ® ConnectKey, ® VersaLink ® and “SetThePageFree”are trademarksofXeroxCorporation in theUnitedStatesand/orothercountries. 1 Independent third-party researchbyColemanParkesResearch,commissionedby Xerox,TheStateofSMBDocumentManagement,September2016 S E T T HE PAG E F R E E Introducing the new Xerox ® Versalink ® family A true workplace assistant that’s ready to automate repetitive tasks and cut unproductive time. Our next generation printers go far beyond print – for secure, cloud connected, mobile ready, app-enabled capabilities. Easily customised, right out of the box.
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