Print IT Reseller - issue 121

01732 759725 50 RISING STAR Autumn-Rose East, Solutions & IT support Technician, UTAX 60 seconds with… PRINT IT RESELLER MAGAZINE RISING STARS When did you first join the print sector and what attracted you? I first joined UTAX in July of 2022 and being 19 and fresh out of college, I was very eager to learn lots of new skills! What attracted me was that it was an all-round job not just involving one specific thing, and I would be learning about a broad spectrum of products, solutions, and many things I had never seen before. What do you most enjoy about your job? The people – customers and colleagues. When you have a really nice customer it just makes my day that I was able to help that person. The team I work with are great, and always answer my endless stream of questions. What’s the best bit of business advice you’ve been given? Keep detailed records of everything because you never know when it will be needed. What would make your day job easier? The ability to make Word detect when I have started two documents exactly the same and tell me where I have saved it, if I wasn’t able to find what I was looking for and I had to restart it. Which company do you most admire outside of our industry? A company I admire is Concernedape – a game developer who focuses on people first. He submits constant updates, delays train of thought and tips and tricks that are more hidden, as well as providing free updates to prevent people from getting bored of a game that was released eight years ago. The gaming industry can be really competitive, and they make sure they put people first. What excites you most about the future? The ability to use the skills I am currently developing later on in life and see what I am capable of and what I can achieve. Autumn-Rose East Early bird or night owl? Early bird, for sure. It takes me a moment to get out of bed still, but when I do it is the best feeling getting stuff done straight away and being productive with a cup of tea in hand. Favourite app and why? Instagram. I use it to remind myself of all of the adventures I have been on. Helps me plan the next one. One screen, two or more? My preference is to use two screens for most things I do. I do also like to have a third screen for background things I check on occasionally, or if I am waiting for something else to finish. Favourite quote/motto? My favourite quote is ‘Tomorrow is a new day’ because it’s true and recently has really helped me through a lot. Last film you watched? The last film I watched was The Devil Wears Prada, the powerful woman and such a good script I think makes this film really special and not like a lot of others, especially for when it came out. It is one of my favourite comfort films. How do you like to spend your spare time? I like to spend my spare time with my friends and playing on my Nintendo Switch. Photo: