Print IT Reseller - issue 121

01732 759725 18 WORKPLACE I couldn’t do my job without… Donna Reid, UK Sales Manager at ECS, picks the tools she uses every day and couldn’t do her job without 1 Exercise Exercise, fitness, running, and my Peloton are all key ingredients that I need in order to perform at work to the standards that I set myself. It’s really important for me to start my day with some form of exercise – it boosts my concentration, creativity and energy levels, allowing me to fire on all cylinders! If I haven’t exercised, I haven’t started my day right. For me, having a good start to my day makes a world of difference, particularly the feeling of exercising before getting on with my day of work, giving that feeling of having a ‘head start’ over everybody else. 2 Variety and flexibility I couldn’t do my job if my role wasn’t one with a large amount of flexibility and variety throughout my day. I’m really not one for sitting behind a desk staring at my screen all day or using Teams calls to communicate, surrounded by the same four walls. The ability to get up and go to see my clients face-to-face is one thing I absolutely love about my job and couldn’t do without. 3 Downtime We all need a break to be able to perform at our best when it comes to work! In my spare time some of my favourite things to do are spending time with my daughters and friends, whether that be doing a spot of shopping or doing different walks/hikes around the UK. I suppose exercise falls back into this category again, considering I spend a lot of my spare time training for marathons – I recently completed the London Marathon, raising over £3,000 for The Laura Centre and Macmillan in the process! 4 Mobile phone Despite my strong aversion for screens, I can’t go anywhere without my mobile phone – I’m sure this is the same for 99% of people! Whether it’s contacting my colleagues or keeping in touch with clients, I’d be nowhere without it. Having the ability to contact anybody, anywhere, no matter where I am or what I’m doing is vital for me. 5 A schedule I like to think that I’m an incredibly organised individual, and with that, there MUST come a schedule or some kind of organisation, without one I’d be a lost cause! Whether its face-to‑face meetings, calls, Teams meetings, administrative work, presentations… you name it, I need to know when, where and how each and every event will unfold well in advance! 6 Getting out of my comfort zone As you can probably tell, I can’t sit still and like to be on the move doing and trying new things and this translates from my personal life into my work life too. Pushing myself out of my comfort zone is something I’ve always done and will continue to do; taking on new challenges, learning new things, adapting to new situations and developing new skills are all things I really enjoy doing. 7 A fantastic team/partners/ products/values Having fantastic support behind me is arguably one of the biggest factors that I couldn’t cope without. ECS’s team, products, and partners all contribute to my own personal success and ability to perform, which wouldn’t be possible without them. Our company values regarding sustainability are also a huge contributing factor – work is so much easier when it’s something you’re hugely passionate about! Donna Reid Image: