PrintIT Reseller issue 119

50 RISING STAR Lauren Rabbitte, Associate Director, Effective Consumable Solutions (ECS) 60 seconds with… When did you first join the print sector and what attracted you? I’ve been involved in the print sector since I was a youngster, in fact I pioneered our recycling programme at ECS – The Greener Side. I then naively sold that to my parents (Chris Fink and Felicity Rabbitte, directors at ECS), for £1 and they’re still laughing about it! I then returned to my schoolwork apart from weekends and holidays when I would be in the warehouse/office cleaning, stacking shelves, production, marketing, throughout my youth to assist the family business. While at University, I played football professionally, alongside gaining my coaching badges before working in a variety of academy management roles. I have since returned to ECS and been part of the sales team for the past couple of years and I’m loving every moment of it! What do you enjoy most about your job? The interaction with customers and building relationships with great people. I’ve also got to give a shout out to the entire team at ECS because I couldn’t do my job without them, they’re superstars! What’s the best bit of business advice you’ve been given? Perseverance is key, you’ve got to keep knocking on the door. What would make your day job easier? If I could take my fur baby Bella to my appointments, and a faster car with a jump seat for her. Which company do you most admire outside of our industry? Virgin, because it’s proof that if something doesn’t work the first time, try a different angle. What excites you most about the future? The power of automation, it’s all I talk about at the moment. PRINT IT RESELLER MAGAZINE RISING STARS Lauren Rabbitte Early bird or night owl? Night owl, I wish I was an early bird though. Favourite app and why? Probably Spotify for access to all my favourite music in one place…despite having a beautiful vinyl collection. One screen, two or more? One screen that does everything, my work laptop. Favourite quote/motto? There are two. “Living the dream” and, “If you don’t ask you don’t get”. Last film you watched? Sliding Doors. You never know which way your life is going to go. How do you like to spend your spare time? With my dog Bella, she loves the beach and so do I. She travels with me nearly everywhere I go and if we weren’t based in the UK, we’d be on the beach in sunny San Diego!