PrintIT Reseller issue 119

01732 759725 40 VOX POP continued... PrintIT Reseller: Nearly two-thirds of respondents recognise that digital and tech transformation is critical to the survival of their company. But the sheer pace of tech evolution is a cause for concern. How are you helping customers navigate the whirlwind of technological evolution? New research from BT has uncovered widespread anxiety among business leaders about the pace of technological change in the workplace. Nearly 9 in 10 company directors and executives report suffering from ‘bytemares’ – tech-related stress that’s severe enough to disrupt their sleep – with security and AI the top causes For most business leaders, selecting and implementing the right technology plays a pivotal role in the success of their business. Whether it’s worrying about cyber security (32%), tech transformation (25%), or digital skills (24%), directors and executives are calling out for support to navigate tech, with half wishing they had a trusted partner to help them with tech transformation. Navigating the pace of tech evolution – part two Arjan Paulussen, Managing Director UK, Western Europe and English-speaking Africa, Lexmark: It’s the three Cs: compartmentalising, communicating and collaboration. We take our partners/customers step by step through this digital journey. It starts with assessing their needs and their goals. As no two companies are the same, we – as an OEM – need to make sure to take into consideration the individual requirements. As a case in point, before installing a managed printer fleet, we offer a broad range of assessment services, including business processes, security, workflow, and fleet optimisation and performance, focusing on the big three questions of printing: how, what and why? We can even do this on a global scale, as two of our big managed print services differentiators are our single, global IoT platform and our worldwide approach, which means that we employ the same structures all around the world, something that is especially appreciated by multinational companies. By dividing up the implementation task, by compartmentalising it, we give it a structure that everyone can easily understand and follow. This is enhanced by us explaining and communicating the benefits, preparing the ground for collaboration. The goal is to optimise and consolidate the printer fleet according to the needs of a company and by implementing IoT, cloud and security technology. Not everyone is familiar with these technologies. But when explaining the benefits and starting the journey in a logical, stepby-step fashion, we usually win the hearts and minds of the stakeholders very quickly. The latter can then act as internal multipliers in their companies, convincing their teams – something that should not be underestimated as it is the workforce that ultimately drives change management. As far as collaboration is concerned, it also helps when the partner’s or customer’s IT departments free up resources for the implementation phase. The better and closer the company’s IT department cooperates with the MPS provider, the quicker and smoother the implementation, the greater the acceptance on the part of the employees and the greater the success of the project. Arjan Paulussen