PrintIT Reseller issue 118

01732 759725 42 VOX POP PrintIT Reseller: Nearly two-thirds of respondents recognise that digital and tech transformation is critical to the survival of their company. But the sheer pace of tech evolution is a cause for concern. How are you helping customers navigate the whirlwind of technological evolution? New research from BT has uncovered widespread anxiety among business leaders about the pace of technological change in the workplace. Nearly 9 in 10 company directors and executives report suffering from ‘bytemares’ – tech-related stress that’s severe enough to disrupt their sleep – with security and AI the top causes For most business leaders, selecting and implementing the right technology plays a pivotal role in the success of their business. Whether it’s worrying about cyber security (32%), tech transformation (25%), or digital skills (24%), directors and executives are calling out for support to navigate tech, with half wishing they had a trusted partner to help them with tech transformation. Navigating the pace of tech evolution – part one John Green, Managing Director,, Commerce Business Systems: As suppliers of crucial business services to our customers, such as MPS, we have a duty to them to ensure they have the best opportunities to help their businesses succeed in the area we have supplied services. So, we have to regularly assess their situations and make sure we have the knowledge to advise when they need to be aware of the changes that are coming, any upgrades and how they will affect them and their business. The flexibility within our MPS solutions makes sure technology we install is relevant and effective for their business and we can ensure that they can adapt quickly to any changes that are coming. The systems and print solutions we install are designed to help customers improve their day-to-day workflow but, before we recommend anything, we make sure we have a full understanding of their business, as it is now and their future plans, because any equipment and software we recommend needs to protect them, be as productive as possible and reduce any disruptions to their operation. In particular, our range of MFPs provide advanced security features such as secure print release, authentication measures, and data encryption, to name a couple. Daniel Gilbert, Managing Director, Key Digital: Whether our customers are just starting out in business or already have legacy systems in place, the range of technologies available on the market can appear daunting. It is vital that we work with our customers to understand the ideal situation or goal, then build a roadmap to get them there; this makes it more achievable to reach realistic goals within their budget. The challenge comes in The flexibility within our MPS solutions makes sure technology we install is relevant and effective for their business ... John Green