PrintIT Reseller issue 118

COVER STORY 51 PRINTITRESELLER.UK 33 classification, integration and analytics. PFU and its ISV partners can assist with not just scanning, but Intelligent Document Processing capture technologies and analytics. Useful Steps Christophe offered some useful steps to consider: q Choose a solution tailored to your needs Conduct a thorough needs analysis by considering volume and type of documents, workflows, scalability, and data security for optimal implementation. w Test before committing fully Engage stakeholders, prioritise integration, usability, scalability, and data accuracy before committing, ideally through free trials. e Ensure data quality High-quality data input crucial for AI accuracy. Make sure to prepare PDFs with clear text/images, consistent format, and preprocessing techniques for optimisation. r Stay updated with AI advances in document management AI tech evolves fast. Document management solutions must adapt. Stay updated for competitive advantage, optimising strategies to outperform. Christophe concluded by saying: “IDP will become a more integrated part of the enterprise document management process, with AI-powered IDP solutions becoming more widely adopted across various industries”. For more information visit: sentiment analysis, determining the level of importance, categorisation and tagging, automated document routing, automated responses and assistance with issue resolution. Supporting partners Christophe’s presentation came to its natural conclusion as he encouraged the partners present to think about how they could expand their own offerings to customers with cuttingedge solutions, drive revenue growth by meeting evolving customer needs, and strengthen customer relationships through enhanced service provision. What this means in real terms is expanding their offerings to include digitising and organising paper-based archives, and automatic document AI Revolution in Document Management Unlocking Efficiency with PFU RICOH Scanners To watch Christophe’s full presentation please scan the QR code To ensure you are receiving PFU’s communications and to gain exclusive access to the content from their conference and a range of enablement tools make sure you are signed up to PFU’s Partner Portal at partner.imagingchannel-program. com Christophe Laurence, EMEA Business Development Director Channel Partner Benefits n Expand your offerings with cuttingedge archival solutions. n Drive revenue growth by meeting evolving customer needs. n Strengthen customer relationships through enhanced service provision. Digi3ze and organize paper-based archives for efficient data extrac3on Extract ac3onable insights from converted archives. Automa3c Document Classifica3on, Integra3on & Analy3cs 1 2 3 Machine learning Robo/c Process Automa/on Deep learning