PrintIT Reseller issue 118

In the next 2 years, AI will play a major role in helping businesses analyse content and sentiment from documents for automatic processing through workflows 01732 759725 32 COVER STORY AI was one of the hottest topics debated at PFU’s Information Capture Conference in Dubai, and PFU’s Christophe Laurence explained how the combination of scanning and AI could lead a revolution in document management revolution’ is likely to take place. The first stage is the use of AI to perform document categorisation by type. Then, data extraction and validation. Third will be document classification – automatically putting a digitised document in the right place, with a meaningful file name. Next comes semantic understanding – which will help systems to route documents to the appropriate workflow or individual. The last stage is in data analytics, where AI is used behind the scenes to drive a knowledge worker: the number of invoices handled, or the average processing time, for example. Real world applications One advantage of AI-driven document processing is its rapid categorisation of documents based on content. For instance, an AI system can learn to recognise financial documents like PO’s or invoices, routing them automatically to relevant departments. This streamlines workflows and mitigates human errors linked to manual categorisation tasks. The presentation moved on to real world use cases including claims processing, an application that reflects the obstacles mentioned above neatly. Manual processing is slow, leading to delays in claim settlements. It can be error-prone: manual entry increases the likelihood of mistakes and inaccuracies. n There is a lack of scalability: handling large volumes of claims manually can be overwhelming and inefficient. In addition, said Christophe, there are considerable compliance risks, manual processing requires significant manpower, driving up expenses. n Visibility can be limited: tracking and monitoring claims processing times and errors can lead to dissatisfaction among claimants. With next generation AI, explained Christophe, NLP technologies can be used to automate much of the claims process and add value – including Christophe Laurence, EMEA Business Development Director at PFU, hosted one of the most well-attended presentation sessions at the company’s Dubai conference, offering a raft of insights into how AI will work together with PFU’s own offerings enhancing information and document management across all kinds of sectors. “In the next 2 years, AI will play a major role in helping businesses analyse content and sentiment from documents for automatic processing through workflows,” said Christophe. He went on to suggest that 70% of IT decisionmakers believe that AI-based document processing solutions will be critical to their business over the next 5 years. There are numerous obstacles hindering efficiency and adaptability in modern document management at the moment: manual sorting and filing processes are time-consuming; it can be difficult to retrieve and/or search for specific documents; there is risk of human error in data entry and indexing; limited scalability to handle large volumes of documents; and a lack of integration with other systems leading to ‘silos’ of information. Christophe began by breaking down the stages by which the ‘AI Taking advantage of AI 15 Next generation AI technology in Document Management Focus on Natural Language Processing (NLP) for Automated Customer Claim Processing Sen3ment Analysis Importance Level Determina3on Categoriza3on and Tagging Automated Document Rou3ng Automa3on of Customer Responses Issue Resolu3on Assistance