PrintIT Reseller issue 118

01732 759725 INTERVIEW 20 Adam Northcut, Director, Mayday shares his experiences over the past decade, what he’s learned, and the highs and the lows of our unique and challenging industry A decade in print pocket and buy shares in the business. It was all the money I had and some, but I believed in the process and took the chance with both hands. My career highlight following an MBO in 2019 was the acquisition of Norfolk Copiers in March of this year, with my business partner Karen Aldred. The managed print industry is well established from before I was born, we’re seeing lots of businesses acquired, merge, and more senior dealer principals retire. With big boots to fill we are seeing the next generation of business owners come through and with it bringing an appetite for growth and digital transformation, which I’m excited to be a part of. PITR: And the low point? AN: Having worked with some amazing people over the years, when we hear the sad news of someone passing, it’s almost in disbelief. Andy Howgate in particular was an engineer at Mayday for over 30 years, he rarely ever took a day’s sick in all those years, attending his funeral certainly put things into perspective. Life is very precious. PITR: What (or who) has had the greatest impact in the sector in the last 10 years? AN: Since joining the industry, print volumes and click prices have declined year on year, with all of us tackling reduced margins and increased operational costs. Whilst we can’t stand still in a declining market, we can combat this through new business growth, added value and change. At Mayday we have a well established IT business Mayday IT which offers IT support, Microsoft 365, business broadband and telephony. Our customers haven’t changed, just their way of working, so we continue to find new ways to add value. PITR: If you could change one thing about the last decade, what would it be? AN: Although possibly not achievable, it would have been nice to slow down time. We all live such busy lives, chasing the next sale, reaching the next step on the career ladder, moving to the next big house, we often don’t get a chance to stop and reflect at all we’ve achieved and how far we’ve come. PITR: What has been your proudest moment of the past 10 years? AN: How can seeing my children grow up not be my proudest moment? However tough this industry can be at times, it has seen me get married, start a family and enjoy wonderful holidays, visit some amazing places and make great memories that will last a lifetime. My daughter’s teacher telling me on parents’ evening that every time she uses the photocopier Mia announces: “my Daddy sells photocopiers,” was a very proud moment. PITR: Sum up the decade in three words. AN: Pandemic embraced change. PrintIT Reseller (PITR): You’ve been working in the print and IT industry for more than ten years. What led you to enter the sector? Adam Northcut (AN): Having spent five years in the British Army, and shortly after an operational tour of Iraq with the Royal Engineers, I left to be closer to home, to live a more 9-5, and pursue a career in the fitness industry. I found a great job working at a local gym in Norwich selling gym memberships, and after a few years one of the members suggested I move into business sales. This led me to search the internet for IT sales roles as I felt technology was a progressive industry to get into, after all the iPhone had only just been invented, and technology was a sector gathering lots of momentum. A role came up to provide digital document solutions and managed print services at a company called Danwood, not quite the Apple I was searching for, but it did come with a company car. It wasn’t until my interview I realised I would be selling photocopiers! I wore the only suit I owned and was interviewed by Ollie Jewell (now of Syncro) and Richard Wells (now at Epson). The rest as they say is history! PITR: What was your first job? AN: I grew up on my family’s farm, so whether I was mucking out pig sheds or strawing down, there was always something to be getting on with. My family still live and work on the farm today, but I must admit the only time I don a pair of wellies these days is for a dog walk around one of the fields. PITR: What has been the high point of the decade? AN: In 2016, my then Managing Director Graham Cassie, invited me to join the board at Mayday, put my hand in my Adam Northcutt