PrintIT Reseller issue 118

01732 759725 18 WORKPLACE Liz Budd, Head of Marketing at First Copy, picks the tools she uses every day and couldn’t do her job without I couldn’t do my job without... of my job, building out an annual plan and creating quarterly content buckets. Trello makes it possible to map everything out for each three-month period with dates for completion and our team's initials. Simple collaboration means that if I was unexpectedly off work, everyone would still know what was going on. e AI Yes, I know. A year ago, I wouldn't have said this, but generative AI is everywhere now, and it's not going away. We can either face it, learn about it, and use it as a tool in our toolbox, or we can pretend it's not happening. I've made a conscious choice to see what it can do and improve my prompt engineering these last few months. I can tell you that in the last week, it's excelled in two areas: a) creating a CustomGPT that will revolutionise our internal sales processes and b) tapping q Coffee The dog needs feeding, the kids need getting ready, the washing needs to go on, and the shopping needs to be ordered. Like so many people, there’s a long list of life admin tasks – not to mention the school run – before I can even think about switching on my laptop or jumping in the car to head to HQ. None of this would be possible without my morning coffee. Nothing particularly fancy, but a pod in the machine jump-starts my day. I relish those few quieter minutes in the morning when I can mentally prepare for the family and work onslaught. w Trello What is life without checking boxes to celebrate a job well done? I am one of those people with lists of lists, but running a team and feeding back to the directors means I can't keep those lists to myself. I love the strategy part out a practically perfect packing list for my next girls' holiday. I just wish AI could free me up for creative things by cleaning my house and cooking meals my kids don't moan about. r Strength training At the risk of jumping on a Millennial Mums’ bandwagon, I've taken up strength training at my local gym. And it's not just because using battle ropes makes me feel like a ninja. I've never been much of an athlete, but I'm fitter and stronger than perhaps I've ever been. I'm sleeping better, and my boss says I am full of energy and enthusiasm lately. (But hey, maybe that was the coffee?) t Flexibility I definitely couldn't do my job without flexibility. The ability to rearrange and reprioritise tasks, working hours and locations is essential if someone is ill, there's a special event, or an unexpected calamity strikes. Working in technology, this level of adaptability should be a given in 2024, but I'm grateful that First Copy has embraced it for a very long time. It means I can juggle many plates and break few of them: from managing family commitments and childcare conundrums to speaking at external events and leading a Beaver troop. Flexibility is important for everyone, but I’m particularly passionate about bringing more women into tech (and keeping them there) and in our experience, flexibility means keeping a lot of talented Mums and carers in the workforce. Liz Budd