PrintIT Reseller - issue 117

BULLETIN 01732 759725 4 Where do you take yours? We’re all about championing print at PrintIT Reseller, and we’d love to know where you read your issue. Whether it's atop a mountain, on a deserted beach, or even in the heart of a bustling city. We want to see where our magazine travels with YOU! This month, DSales UK held an open day at its HQ (see page 34), and it was great to see so many partners taking time out to catch up on the latest news in the industry. We’re delighted that so many of our readers are taking on the challenge and sending us pix of them reading PrintIT Reseller in unusual settings. Keep them coming!! We want to see where you take your issue, so get the camera out and send me a pix of yourself reading PrintIT Reseller in the most unusual, far-flung spot you can find, and you could be featured in our next issue! You can reach me at [email protected] UK businesses embracing multi-cloud Nutanix sixth annual Enterprise Cloud Index (ECI) survey and research report revealed that 84% of UK respondents are adopting a cloud smart stance, placing the applications and workloads in datacentres, multiple clouds, the network edge and wherever they feel is the best match for them. In the UK, hybrid multi-cloud models are set to increase from 19% today to 26% over the next three years with use of multiple public clouds set to increase from 11% today to 46% in one to three years. That latter number is well ahead of EMEA and global figures. The top five drivers of deployment platform choice are performance (55%), cost management (53%), data sovereignty/privacy (44%), ransomware/malware protection (33%) and flexibility (33%). Other factors included support for sophisticated data services such as backup and snapshots, ability to deploy AI optimally, and sustainability. Large businesses floundering to tackle cyber threats Cyber security firm IDEE commissioned an independent survey of more than 500 IT and cyber security professionals within UK businesses. It found that 74% of respondents from large businesses (more than 500 employees) believe it has become far more challenging to defend against cyber-attacks since the COVID-induced rise of remote and hybrid working – only 50% of respondents from small businesses (less than 50 employees) said the same thing. The survey also found that 32% of respondents from small businesses are unaware of the reputational cost of a cyber-attack, but only half as many (16%) respondents from large organisations were similarly unaware. David Nuttall, Head of Distributor Sales, Konica Minolta James Hosking, Sales Director, DSales Paul Kamlesh, Technical Director, Copybox Tanika Paul, Account Executive, Copybox Ryan Eastwood, Managing Director, CSL Business Design Centre · London · 17 September 2024 ICT · MANAGED IT · MOBILE · PRINT 24