PrintIT Reseller - issue 117

01732 759725 30 INTERVIEW continued... comes with obviously, some challenges around us developing the speed in which we onboard partners over time. But we've got the funding and the resources to do all that. It's just a case of making sure we do it in the right way,” he explained. “The channel enables us to grow quickly, but also not to carry any unnecessary overheads. If you take Aurora as an example, they will do all of the service delivery. We've delivered training for the sales teams, the service teams and professional services, we're also building out our solutions portfolio as well, creating closer working relationships with vendors locally. All of that will enable Aurora to add more value to their customer base. And the more value we put into Aurora, the more valuable we become as a vendor. My mission is to become the vendor of choice.” Organ is well positioned to deliver on this, having spent 16 years in the indirect channel with Canon. “What we're trying to do is build best in class and the fact that we can build that from the ground up was really exciting for me and prompted me to make the move. As Andy touched on earlier, the disruption, the ability to build something of your own, to have a real impact on a market that's been quite stagnant, that’s the really exciting piece for me,” he said. Organ also pointed out the importance of the link between both businesses’ values. “Andy already said that was a critical part in Aurora making the decision to partner with Fujifilm and that’s mutual. We are aware that there is a market out there where maybe honesty and integrity hasn't always been at the top of the agenda and there have been clashes so we know that we'll probably pick up some low hanging fruit along the way as well.” Local presence With supply chain issues naturally still front and centre for many vendors, Organ confirmed that Fujifilm already has extensive stock sitting in the Netherlands. “We will also hold stock in the UK, and we are able to ship directly from Japan to the UK. “Moving forward I expect we will hold more stock in Europe and that will enable us to be more strategic in our forecasting, much easier to load balance and get the technology to our partners within two or three days. Rather than us trying to forecast stock around certain models and work on a six week lead time.” In addition to the UK launch, the brand has already partnered with a distributor in Italy and plans to expand into France and Spain too., in the future, Fujifilm will be bringing on other partners. They have to, their business model wouldn't survive if it was just based on us, because we are multi-brand, but we've invested a lot into this as well and it's great to be part of the launch.” Channel-first approach Organ confirms that the vendor will be adopting a channel-first go to market strategy. “We're a new business and we’re building it from the ground up. That Andy Moffitt