PrintIT Reseller - issue 117

01732 759725 18 WORKPLACE Penny Miles, Marketing Manager at UTAX (UK) Ltd, picks the tools she uses every day and couldn’t do her job without I couldn’t do my job without... e Thermos I am always cold, and an avid tea drinker, so I like to have a warm cup of herbal tea to hold while I work. A standard cup of tea goes cold pretty quickly, so I use the thermos to avoid having to get up every hour for a warm cup! r Wordpress I absolutely love working with WordPress. As a marketeer I like to be able to edit our websites easily but don’t have the varied knowledge of a website developer. WordPress is the ideal website management platform for those in my situation because it is so easy to navigate, edit HTML code, add images, products and articles. The ‘preview’ function is perfect for checking your edits before making the page live. q Music Whether I’m working from home in a silent house or in the busy office, I find music helps me drown out distractions and focus on the task at hand. I keep it to relaxing background music with no vocals, so I’m not distracted by lyrics. w Canva This design software is user-friendly and intuitive. If you’re like me, and like everything to line up and look aesthetically pleasing, Canva makes it easy to achieve this. It has a plethora of graphics, images and videos available to create engaging and creative content. It is also a great tool for sharing designs between teams and with external parties - who are able to set up a free account to make basic edits to artwork before downloading. t Microsoft Dynamics As our CRM system, Microsoft Dynamics is like our Bible. It has the ability to monitor and report on so many different aspects of client management, making it an integral tool for marketing. Whether it’s managing access to our Partnersite, tracking sales activity or getting updates from the finance team, Microsoft Dynamics provides a unified platform to record all activities with our partners. Penny Miles