PrintIT Reseller - issue 117

01732 759725 14 BULLETIN Challenges implementing AI AvePoint’s inaugural AI and Information Management Report in collaboration with the Association for Intelligent Information Management (AIIM) and the Centre for Information Policy Leadership (CIPL) found that organisations with more mature information management (IM) strategies are 1.5x more likely to realise benefits from AI than those with less mature strategies. According to the survey, fewer than half of organisations are confident they can use AI safely today. Before implementing AI, 71% were concerned about data privacy and security, while 61% were concerned about quality and categorisation of internal data. Fewer than half have an AI acceptable use policy, despite widespread use of publicly available generative AI tools (65% of organisations use ChatGPT and 40% use Google Gemini today). Chris Shaw, UKI&SA Country Channel Manager at AvePoint said: “Our survey reveals that many organisations struggle with information management and data privacy, and these problems are only going to get worse as reliance on AI increases and more data is produced. Working with AvePoint, channel partners can provide a comprehensive data privacy and management strategy to their customers so they can continue to thrive in the digital workplace.” IT is the best choice for remote roles Almost every third job in IT is remote, making the sector a leader when it comes to flexible working, a new study by electronic retailer Currys reveals. Since the end of the pandemic there has been a shift in mentality for many desk workers in the UK, with nearly half of them (49%) stating their desire for a flexible role has increased. A staggering 43% of Brits said they would NOT apply for an advertised job if the description didn’t explicitly state that it was flexible. To find out which industries offer more work-from-home jobs and the average salaries, Currys analysed 762 remote job listings to see which industry offered the most remote roles and which offered the highest average salary for this working situation. The analysis revealed that the highest percentage of remote roles were in the IT industry (29%), followed by financial services (21%) and then sales (16%). Remote jobs in IT also offered the highest average salary for their work-from-home positions, with £60,148 being the average salary for a remote role in this industry. Optimism around tech investment Colt Technology Services has published insights uncovered by new research of over 1,000 IT leaders in 12 countries. The results revealed optimism in tech budgets as businesses invest in their IT infrastructure to deliver growth plans. Almost 8 in 10 (79%) expect to increase their tech budgets over the next one to three years. Improving security (40%) and adding AI and machine learning capabilities (31%) top the list of priorities for investment. One in four businesses is using IT infrastructure to explore new revenue streams. The research also highlights growing concerns around the environmental impact of IT networks. One in five (20%) named ‘understanding the environmental impact of their IT infrastructure’ in their top three priorities and around the same (19%) named reducing the environmental impact of their IT infrastructure as a priority. Flexible frustrations Research conducted by Opinion Matters on behalf of Ricoh Europe, polled 2,000 workers and 300 decision-makers across the UK and Ireland and found that flexible working remains a top priority for UK and Irish workers. The study reveals that the majority of organisations lack the technology to support flexible working, with less than a third (28%) of UK & Irish employees saying they have all the technology to collaborate seamlessly when working with other colleagues. Just under one in six (15%) employees do not have access to essential collaboration software such as Microsoft Teams and Zoom, whilst nearly a third (28%) do not have access to any collaboration hardware/hybrid meeting technology (e.g. AV technology such as video conferencing), despite this being in demand. Insights show that business leaders recognise the problem, with one in four (25%) admitting that their collaboration tools are not up to industry standard which is making it hard for employees to do their day-to-day jobs. Surprisingly, only 14% of business decisionmakers cited providing an enhanced employee experience as a strategic priority for the year ahead. The research also shines a light on how business leaders should be placing employee satisfaction and experience at the forefront of their agenda this year. This starts with flexible working, as nearly a quarter (25%) of employees said that not being forced to work in the office but being given the right technology to work wherever benefits them would be a key way to increase their fulfilment at work. 24 17 September 2024 ICT • MANAGED IT MOBILE • PRINT Source: Colt Technology Services Brand Research 40% improving security 23% improving network flexibility 31% machine learning and AI capabilities One in four using IT infrastructure to explore new revenue streams Top Priorities for IT leaders in 2024 understanding the environmental impact of IT infrastructure 20% expect to increase their tech budgets in the next 1-3 years 79%