Print.IT Reseller - issue 116

PRINTITRESELLER.UK 43 VOX POP continued... In this process of becoming more sustainable our thoughts naturally passed over to the supply chain and the suppliers involved. We reviewed each supplier to see the ethos behind the business and if it existed or if it was corporate box ticking modular components, which in turn contributes to longer product lifecycles. By providing extended warranties and local service and support it encourages our clients to keep their devices in operation for longer – maybe five-year leases rather than three-year. This prolongs the device’s life and reduces e-waste. Another area that is often missed by our competitors is end-of-life management, companies should consider the end-of-life phase of their products. By implementing a take-back program, recycling initiatives, and responsible disposal practices, Carbon ensure that our devices don’t end up in landfills. Proper recycling and material recovery are essential components of circularity. While not directly related to circular economy principles, we also firmly believe energy-efficient printing devices also play a crucial role in reducing the carbon footprint. Encouraging energy-saving features and promoting responsible energy use can benefit both the environment and costconscious clients. Michael Bailey: Since 2018, EBM has been actively reducing its carbon footprint. Becoming carbon neutral was our first major step in sustainability. A goal which we successfully achieved a while ago. In this process of becoming more sustainable our thoughts naturally passed over to the supply chain and the suppliers involved. We reviewed each supplier to see the ethos behind the business and if it existed or if it was corporate box ticking. The outcome was prioritising partnerships with manufacturers such as Epson and Kyocera which embraced sustainability at their core and are known for their robust environmental policies. Tracey Taylor: As a mono-branded partner we are partially led by the technology made available to us via our OEM, but we are lucky to work with a partner that has been at the forefront of sustainability for a long time. We regularly supply refurbished machines, and we are pleased to see that new generation devices contain more recycled content and tend to become ever-more energy-efficient, but we make no apology for pushing for continual improvement. Martin Randall: With regard to the circular economy, we’ve certainly started seeing an increase in clients asking if we can deploy refurbished equipment as a percentage of their new fleet, so we are absolutely supporting this and will continue to do so. We also offer toner and consumable recycling services to complement this. To support our clients with reducing their carbon footprint, we’re proud to offer comprehensive workspace audits which assess their volumetric data, floorplans and more to rationalise their fleet, in terms of device type, energy consumption and where their devices are sited. All of this helps to ensure that the solution we’re delivering is as efficient as possible. Our fleet management software also utilises predictive analytics to proactively dispatch consumables, so customers can feel confident they’re only using what they need. Daniel Gilbert: Our team of experienced support professionals offer print deployment strategies to optimise the lifecycle of equipment needs to reduce changing devices. As printing habits have changed, our fleet management team analyse our customers’ requirements and such offer contract extensions or redeployment of devices based on the manufacturer’s maximum duty cycles. We work with a select number of manufacturers ensuring we are providing devices that are durable and long-lasting, providing benefits to both Key Digital and our customers. This not only reduces the frequency of device replacements but also promotes resource efficiency and minimises waste generation. We have chosen to partner only with best-in-class manufacturers, including those that use the highest levels of recycled content or use low carbon heat-free technology. At Key Digital, we take a holistic approach in our commitment to supporting the circular economy and I feel that is reflected in our offering. By embracing sustainable practices, we can contribute to a more environmentally friendly future while still meeting the needs of our customers. Daniel Maddox: We’re not just about selling photocopiers and maintaining them anymore. Our customers want to shrink their carbon footprint, so we’ve upped our game with various sustainability services. Our most significant change is the introduction of Agility, our proprietary document management software. This is a great way to reduce paper use where we can. This service helps our clients manage their documents digitally, cutting down on printing and their carbon footprint. It’s innovative, simple to use, and super sustainable. We can help customers determine where printing habits are efficient with customer audits. Our audits look at what’s best for the environment as well as the budget. We’re also big on education and training. We don’t just drop off a photocopier and wave goodbye. We onboard our clients with detailed advice on how to use their devices in the most energy-efficient way possible. It’s about empowering them to make those small changes that add up to big differences. Ryan Green: Yes, as well as offering energy-efficient printers that consume less power during operation, another key focus area that goes beyond the hardware is that we are actively promoting paperless workflows by integrating digital document management systems with our devices. We also educate our customers on the environmental impact of their printing habits and offer tips on how they can reduce waste. Sustainability isn’t just about striving to be eco-friendly, it’s also about smart business practices. We PrintIT Reseller: Have you expanded your customer offering to include sustainability-centric value-added solutions and services? Michael Bailey