Print.IT Reseller - issue 116

01732 759725 36 continued... INSIGHT Ryan Green, Digital Services Director, Carbon Ryan Green, Digital Services Director, Carbon spoke about some of the key challenges businesses are facing today. “We’ve seen a lot of changes over the past couple of years, the pandemic has seen a massive shift in the way people work. They’re no longer in the office five days a week, and what that’s driven is a need to be able to access information from anywhere, whether that’s at home, in a coffee shop, or in the office. “Businesses need to become more efficient but with less people, and that’s encouraged us to look at how we can manage their print sustainably but also to look at how we can transform them digitally. So, looking at why they’re printing, what are they actually doing, if they need to print something, and how we can digitise and automate some of those processes. And that’s how we can build this whole sustainable ecosystem around our customers.” Changes in the office environment Commenting on changes within the office environment, Green said: “With people working from home and needing to print, security is a big issue. During the pandemic, a lot of people were scanning documents to their personal email addresses. How do you control that? “We bring it together and control it so you can have an A4 device that someone can use at home to print and scan. But also, in the office, A3 volumes are starting to decline. So maybe before we position an A3 device, we will position an A4 device, but it needs to be able to cope with the volume, which is still there, although it may not be A3. Also, around that, we found that some people have a need for scanning, but they don’t actually have a need for print. So, we can look at the right balanced deployment around the whole office ethos,” he explained. Sustainable technology vs. sustainable branding Green went on to explore whether customers understand the difference between sustainable technology, for example, solutions that use less energy and reduce waste, and sustainable branding – carbon offsetting through tree planting for example. He said that people are a lot more aware and want to change what they’re doing to make a difference. “So rather than the traditional things which are all good and work together as part of sustainable action, where customers may have planted trees to carbon offset, now they actually want to do something about the problem and make a positive impact, a positive change,” he explained, adding: “Looking at how they can reduce energy, improve efficiencies and obviously work more environmentally-friendly, so it is becoming a big thing.” A competitive edge On the topic of heat-free technology, Green said that it aligns with everything Carbon is doing as a company, promoting sustainable print, digital transformation and automation using AI, everything Consultative selling is the future The conversation moved on to explore how selling has transformed into consulting as customers are looking for a trusted partner to enable them to deliver digital-first workflows and solve their pain points. “Historically, salespeople would go out and talk about sheets, feeds, how fast the machine is how low they can take the click, the lease price, settlement price etc. that isn’t consultative selling, it’s just basically going out asking a series of questions and then undercutting it. That isn’t adding any benefits to the customer whatsoever. “With the help of Epson, we’ve educated our sales force how to sell without talking about a photocopier. So, my team are now going out into the field and selling based on sustainability, based on saving electricity, based on carbon offset. Sustainability is a massive buzzword. We talk about XBM going for bigger accounts and sustainability is even more key within those bigger accounts because they have to be seen to be doing something, so consultative selling is the future of this industry. “Believe it or not, not talking about a photocopier is key to that. Talking about all these other things, these added benefits that they didn’t even realise that we could provide, they thought that we were just their print provider, we’re not, we’re also their sustainability officer, we can reduce their costs, staff costs, everything, with a photocopier, but by not talking about a photocopier,” Taylor concluded. Businesses need to become more efficient but with less people, and that’s encouraged us to look at how we can manage their print sustainably but also to look at how we can transform them digitally Ryan Green, Carbon To watch the full video please scan the QR code