Print IT Reseller - issue 114

50 AND FINALLY Archie Whitworth, Dealer Sales Manager, DSales UK 60 seconds with… When did you first join the print sector and what attracted you? You could say I first joined the print sector as a very young apprentice 18 years ago! When my dad (Jonathan Whitworth) set up the business, HQ was in our back garden, so I was involved so to speak, from a very young age. Growing up, I always lent a hand in the warehouse and the offices through the years, however, my career really began just over four years ago, when I officially joined DSales as a full-time employee. I can't say that I was attracted to the print industry per se, however my now colleagues and our dealers were a large part of my upbringing, so it felt like a very natural next step for me. What do you enjoy most about your job? Getting onto the race paddock with dealers. However, day to day, I really enjoy the variety my role brings, and the fact that I know every day will be completely different. What’s the best bit of business advice you’ve been given? This job is simple, as people buy from people. Be honest, upfront, and always do what you say you are going to do. What would make your day job easier? I’d have to say, it would be a world where all service departments understood the importance and financial benefit of original consumables. Which company do you most admire outside of our industry? Red Bull. It’s an incredible business – from being an energy drink manufacturer to a household name when it comes to entertainment, extreme sports and motorsports. What excites you most about the future? I guess the ‘fear of the future’ excites me. This industry is fast-moving and constantly evolving, and it will change drastically over the next decade. That’s exciting for me as I embark on my career. I’m looking forward to facing new challenges ahead and ensuring that we are well-positioned to stay ahead of the game. Early bird or night owl? Most definitely a night owl. Favourite app and why? Spotify. Simply because I'm always listening to music, and it makes it so easy to do so! Although I do hate how it has taken money away from artists and has killed music/record shops. One screen, two or more? Two screens because I can't get enough done with one. Emails usually stay on one with everything else on the other. Favourite quote / motto? I don't particularly have a favourite motto/quote, however, something that does resonate with me, and which I think is really important, is that respect is earned and not given. Last film you watched? Society of the Snow. It was brilliant. How do you like to spend your spare time? I play in a band and I spent a lot of my spare time gigging with my bandmates. Archie Whitworth PRINT IT RESELLER MAGAZINE RISING STARS