Print IT Reseller - issue 114

01732 759725 48 Q&A View from the channel Q: What do you see as the biggest challenges facing channel businesses today? A: A lack of flexibility and agility in delivering on customer needs. This industry has had a habit of doing things the same way for as long as I can remember, and that simply doesn’t fit with the demands of the modern day customer. Having worked with many great companies over the years, the lack of flexibility I talk of has always been an issue, however, that simply won’t wash for the majority for businesses in 2024 and beyond. Being agile, forwardthinking, and able to deliver on every level for clients will be what sees the cream rise to the top over the next five years and I fully expect Parallel to be leading the pack! Q: Which OEMs do you partner with and why? A: We work with Konica Minolta and Kyocera due to their alignment with Parallel’s ethos on sustainability. That, coupled with an aggressive stance on innovation from both OEMs means that they can support Parallel in helping our customers, by always pushing the boundaries. Add to that the firstclass dealer support we receive when needed, and I ask the question: “Why doesn’t everyone work with Konica Minolta and Kyocera?” Q: What are your customers most interested in currently? A: Flexibility. The pandemic completely changed what was viewed as the norm and customer needs can now vary from one quarter to the next. The drive towards digitalisation has never been stronger meaning that it’s a must for today’s customer to have a partner that not only provides them with the very latest information in technological advances, but is able to deliver them (when needed) and adapt their agreements, accordingly, ensuring that they aren’t left behind their perspective advancement curve. Q: How have you changed/are you changing business operations to exploit new opportunities? A: Being a business that is still very much in its infancy, we are always having to push the envelope in terms of maximising and creating opportunities. From a customer perspective it’s ensuring regular contact from our account managers. This naturally drives them towards us when they are looking/ reviewing potential change which is usually being driven by information provided by our team during our account reviews in the first place. From a new business perspective, I’m not going to give away all our secrets , except Gavin Auckland, Managing Director, Parallel Office and Document Solutions to say that we are very active in many different marketing arenas ensuring that when our potential customers are ready for change, Parallel is at the forefront of their mind. Q: If you could change one aspect of your job what would it be and why? A: Without a shadow of a doubt, it would be to give myself more hours in the day to involve myself more in the sales side of the business. I am the dictionary definition of a frustrated salesman who has had to learn to help, but from a distance. My passion for helping people is what drives me to literally live and breathe this business and thrive on every aspect of doing so, so in fact there isn’t really a lot I would change. Q: How do you spend your week – time on phone, face to face meetings with customers etc.? A: I don’t really have a typical week I could comment on to be fair. I can be scoping potential new locations for offices and warehousing one minute and overseeing the roll-out of a new ERP system the next. We have an aggressive growth strategy that means that I too need to be agile, ensuring I’m able to jump in and out of multiple projects as and when required. In addition, I also oversee the sales and account management operations for Parallel as well as personally managing a handful of long-standing customers and all whilst dealing with a never ending “to do list” that has a nasty habit of growing by the millisecond. There is never a dull moment during my day. Q: What would make your job easier? A: Have you seen the film Multiplicity? That would make my job easier. Joking aside, I’ve already made my job easier by appointing our Operations Director Wendy Sharp last year. Wendy oversees a huge part of what used to take up a lot of my time and since she joined the team, I have been able to really focus on growing this business into the powerhouse it will most definitely become. Gavin Auckland