PrintIT Reseller - issue 113

Editor's Comment 3
Bulletin: What’s new in printers and printing 4
People: A round-up of new hires 16
I couldn’t do my job without... Krystol Slocombe picks her favourite work tools 18
A decade in print: David Thompson shares his print experiences over the past decade 20
PrintIT Awards : A recap of the 2023 event 22
Focus on: What’s New: A round-up of recent product launches 26
Opinion: A new opportunity to support retailers 30
Cover Story: Brother refreshes laser printer line-up 32
Research: Mobility in motion 34
Dealer Profile: Oyster celebrates 40 years 36
PrintIT Awards: Find out what winning means from the 2023 winners 39
Industry Insight: Richard Wells, Head of Sales, Epson UK 46
View from the Channel: Ian Rudder, Managing Director, Vir2ue 48
60 seconds with… Caitlyn Bloor, Channel Marketing Executive, Brother UK 50
Channel Directory: Top Distributors and Manufacturers 51