PrintIT Reseller - issue 113

50 AND FINALLY Caitlyn Bloor, Channel Marketing Executive, Brother UK 60 seconds with… When did you first join the print sector and what attracted you? My first step into the print sector was a week of work experience with Brother UK in Summer 2019, which led to a role as a marketing development apprentice with the company later that year. I was so excited about it – there is such a strong culture here that makes it a great place to work and the opportunity to diversify in different roles and markets was clear from the start, which was a big draw for me starting out in the industry. What do you enjoy most about your job? It’s hard to pick one thing. But I find it valuable to work with so many specialists. On any campaign, I could be working with different elements of our marketing team, external agencies or reseller partners, who each bring new ideas and fresh perspectives to the table. I’m also working more closely with our teams across Europe, which is an exciting chance to learn from different markets. What’s the best bit of business advice you’ve been given? The best advice is to pursue every opportunity to learn. That’s what Brother encourages us to do as a big advocate of learning and development. It’s great advice to help you grow as a person and professional, as well as improve the business. And relationships are also vital in our industry, so I’m always looking to attend more events, meet new people and generally to immerse myself even more in the sector. What would make your day job easier? I’m sure I won’t be alone in saying that some of the everyday admin tasks aren’t my favourite! But keeping on top of all our physical and digital documents is important. It’s designed to drive efficiency and that’s something Brother knows inside out. We recently launched our Meaningful Meeting Manifesto, which offers ten tips and tricks to help make meetings and our ways of working together more productive, and unsurprisingly, a lot of it is about getting the essentials like agendas and actions notes right. Which company do you most admire outside of our industry? Although the beauty industry is very different to the print industry, REFY is a company I’ve always admired and followed quite closely. It only launched in 2020, but it’s already grown significantly and partnered with huge retailers like Selfridges. It’s been interesting to watch how they’ve exploited gaps in the market and demonstrated that they really understand their audience. What excites you most about the future? I’m currently undertaking my Chartered Institute of Marketing qualifications and I’m really enjoying picking up new skills and applying them at work. I like having clear objectives and goals because I can see the progress I’m making as I hit each achievement. For example, I secured the Level 3 Marketing Communications a few Early bird or night owl? Definitely early bird! I usually have plenty of energy in the morning. Favourite app and why? It has to be TikTok. I’m always learning something new and effectively treat it as another Google, given all the educational videos posted every day. We’re using it now at Brother more too, working with comedian Rob Mayhew for a series of videos for our Meaningful Meeting Manifesto campaign – they’re funny and insightful too! One screen, two or more? I prefer two screens as I’m multitasking most of the time. Favourite quote / motto? ‘Be comfortable being uncomfortable’. To me it’s about embracing the challenge that comes with growth and change, and I think that’s the only way that you’ll achieve something new and develop as a person. Last film you watched? Home Alone – it’s an all-time favourite and a Christmas classic. I love it! How do you like to spend your spare time? I spend most of my spare time in the gym – it’s where I do my thinking and relaxing. I also love shopping days and searching for holidays so I can explore somewhere new. Caitlyn Bloor weeks ago and it’s only motivated me to kick on and reach the next milestone. It’ll also be exciting to see how sustainability shapes the industry, and how the sector continues to shift to services to help businesses to work more productively. PRINT IT RESELLER MAGAZINE RISING STARS