PrintIT Reseller - issue 113

PRINTITRESELLER.UK 37 DEALER PROFILE but my goal from day one was to develop and grow the business.” Since acquisition, a little over four years ago, turnover has substantially increased by 255 per cent, in a challenging marketplace. He continued: “I think it’s important to point out that this success wouldn’t have been possible if it were just me. I've got a very good team around me and a sales team that has helped me to push the business forward and grow it in the right way.” Change presents opportunity While Harris may well have taken the reins at an inopportune time given the COVID pandemic just months after the change of ownership, he argues that market changes have created opportunity. “The marketplace is constantly evolving and COVID has undoubtedly accelerated change in the market. “Importantly this has created opportunities for us to introduce new solutions to our customers. The solutions that we sell such as managed print, document workflow or document management for example are key to making today’s hybrid workplace more productive and customers are open to having those conversations with us. “We’ve built on Oyster’s heritage and enhanced our credibility as a business that is well positioned to support customers on their digital transformation journey, one that does business in the right way and which delivers excellent customer service, and I’m really proud of that,” he added. Independent and agile Historically Oyster was a Sharp singleline reseller, however Harris is a strong advocate of ensuring the company remains a true independent. “We are still a Sharp reseller, but we also partner with Ricoh and Konica Minolta,” he explained. “I don't believe that one manufacturer has a product line that can support every customer. So as a business we like to select the best of what each manufacturer and software provider have to offer. Our approach is to provide our customers with the best fit for their needs, so having a diverse offering is really important.” He continued: “In the same vein, there's no point in trying to sell a piece of software to create efficiencies and deliver savings if it’s a lengthy process. So, on the software side, we’re really mindful of adopting solutions that tightly integrate and work well with the hardware we provide. We are very agile in our approach, we have to be because of our independence in terms of hardware.” Looking to the future Further growth is firmly on the cards for Oyster, as Harris explains: “We don't want to stop, I want to push the business forward in the years ahead. I believe there’s a gap in the market for independent businesses of a certain size to give clients the best service, the best products and the best software and indeed disrupt the marketplace.” In just over four years, Harris has expanded the business’ footprint, moving its original Midlands HQ to a larger, more central location as well as opening sales offices in Huddersfield and London. “We are very strong in the Midlands, that's where the business originated from, but we do have many clients across the UK, our ambition is to grow the business in other areas. I am looking to further expand our geographical reach into new areas, when the right people come along, and the opportunity is there. “The market is constantly evolving, there's always acquisitions happening, and constant change, and when that happens, I want Oyster to be positioned to attract the best people within our industry to join our journey. By attracting the right people, that’s where Oyster will realise the growth we’re targeting.” In conclusion Harris says that he is really invested in the business: “I am full of enthusiasm and energy and looking forward to the years ahead!” Oyster are a sustainably focused managed print services provider, meaning we support our clients to achieve great results, whilst limiting the impact on our natural environment.