PrintIT Reseller - issue 113

01732 759725 INTERVIEW 20 David Thompson, Regional Sales Manager at Kofax shares his experiences over the past decade, what he’s learned, and the highs and the lows of our unique and challenging industry A decade in print AI solutions that streamline document capture, extraction, and routing. There is a lot to still come from me. PITR: And the low point? Undoubtedly, the pandemic stands out as one of the most challenging periods the industry has ever encountered. Its financial toll was felt deeply by countless individuals, and the shifts in work dynamics and business practices will leave a lasting impact. The rapid drop in print volumes prompted numerous MPS dealers to completely reimagine their business strategies. Regrettably, we've witnessed the departure of many talented professionals from the industry, further accelerating the trend of consolidation. Nevertheless, as history has shown, the industry possesses a remarkable resilience. The rise of hybrid work models has changed our customers’ needs, and we have responded accordingly. PITR: What (or who) has had the greatest impact in the sector in the last 10 years? The advent of the internet has brought about a transformative shift within the industry. Prospective buyers now conduct thorough independent research, gaining a clear understanding of their requirements even before the tendering process begins. Consequently, resellers are compelled to reevaluate their market approaches. I encourage everyone in the industry to engage in more expansive discussions, bring their customers knowledge and challenge their assumptions. Those who excel in this approach can establish themselves as trusted advisors, fortifying their client relationships. In this landscape, software emerges as a realm of significant potential for resellers. Yet, this isn't solely about print management or waste reduction – those ships have sailed. Instead, the focus turns towards providing solutions that bolster clients' IT departments in navigating the complexities of hybrid work models and the daily security challenges they confront. Now, with the added complication of employees working remotely and printing from home. Moreover, the MFD is evolving into an entry point for digital automation. Print partners must consider this aspect, as these devices are equipped with powerful scanners, often overlooked in discussions. PITR: If you could change one thing about the last decade, what would it be? At the start of my career, all OEMs placed significant emphasis on training and development, catering to both their direct staff and partners. These training initiatives were mandatory for both sales and service personnel, cultivating a pool of highly skilled and refined individuals within the industry. However, over the years, these investments in training have waned. The onus largely rests on individuals to proactively develop themselves, with organisations scaling back on regular face-to-face training initiatives. Platforms like LinkedIn Learning have emerged as potent tools, along with offerings from the Institute of Sales Professionals. PITR: What has been your proudest moment of the past 10 years? Undoubtedly, one of my most rewarding achievements is being regarded as a trusted advisor by numerous businesses nationwide. A defining accomplishment that stands out is shaping the prosperous dealer strategy for Samsung. PITR: Sum up the decade in three words. Fast paced change. PrintIT Reseller (PITR): You’ve been working in the print and IT industry for more than ten years. What led you to enter the sector? During the mid-80s, while I was pursuing an apprenticeship to become an electrician, the economy was on a downward spiral. This put my apprenticeship at risk, prompting me to explore other opportunities. Coincidentally, a friend mentioned a job opening for repairing photocopiers. Intrigued, I decided to give it a shot. I managed to secure an interview, where I ‘skilfully’ navigated the conversation and, let's say, presented myself convincingly. After undergoing some assessments, I was offered the job. What really sealed the deal for me was the added perk of a company car. PITR: What was your first job? As mentioned above, fate led me to become a trainee photocopier engineer. This was back in 1986 during the initial stages of plain paper copiers, coupled with the twilight era of wet roll-fed machines. My training revolved around mastering devices like AB Dick 675s, Mita 900Ds, and Mita DC121s. These names might trigger nostalgia in some readers, but they bear little resemblance to the sophisticated machinery we have at our disposal today. PITR: What has been the high point of the decade? Numerous experiences stand out, but one that truly shines is the creation and leadership of the office automation dealer channel at Samsung. I joined the company in 2013, when the A3 range was notably underdeveloped, and the partner list mirrored this limitation. Yet, I managed to assemble what I believe was the most exceptional channel team in the industry. However, I think I am most excited about my position today, Working at Kofax, I offer my customers cutting-edge David Thompson