PrintIT Reseller - issue 113

01732 759725 18 WORKPLACE Krystol Slocombe, UK Field Marketing Manager at Lexmark, picks the tools she uses every day and couldn’t do her job without I couldn’t do my job without... all connected. Like everyone else, pre-COVID much of my time was spent in face to face meetings. I still really value in-person interactions and make sure to schedule these into my diary. But I think the real value-add with Teams is that I can have multiple meetings with partners across the UK on the same day, which does mean I can get more done in less time and deliver on our plans quicker. e Mobile phone I have an iPhone and I use it every day, although not primarily for making calls (I mostly use Teams for that). I need my phone to enable secure access to my laptop, whether I’m working at home or in the office – at Lexmark we have to enter a code to log on to the system and this is sent to us via SMS on our phone – so if I forget my phone, I can’t get any work done! The camera on the iPhone is also really good and I often take pix or videos at events and share them with our agency so they can publish content on our website or social media channels. It helps make sure our content is up to date and relevant as I can share in real-time straight from my phone. r PowerPoint In my role, I have to produce a lot of presentations such as reporting on campaign performance or PR and social media performance. PowerPoint is absolutely the best tool to do this. We do have templates already produced so it’s pretty straightforward to create a new presentation and doesn’t take up too much time. I also find PowerPoint really handy when I’m planning and briefing in new creative to our agency. I often produce q My colleagues I really appreciate my colleagues and my manager, who are an integral part of my day-to-day work. Whether it's collaborating on projects, seeking advice, or just providing friendly support, their contributions are invaluable to me, and I absolutely couldn’t do my job without them! w Teams I know everyone mentions Teams, but it really is an essential tool today. I use it every single day whether I’m working at home or in the office. From meetings with our partners’ marketing teams to discuss quarterly marketing plans, or monthly updates with external suppliers re our promotional activity, to internal meetings with colleagues or stakeholders – Teams keeps us a mock-up of my vision and share that with them so they can visualise what I am looking to achieve. t Excel Number crunching, budget planning and monitoring are all tasks I need to keep on top of. We attend and host a number of events at Lexmark, whether it’s exhibiting at trade shows and exhibitions, or hosting our partners at product events, and keeping track of spend and the overall budget is critical. Excel makes it easy to update, view and analyse data and it’s also easy to pull and print off reports too. y Loose Women When I’m working from home, I often have Loose Women on the TV in the background. I don’t actually watch it, but I do like to hear a bit of ambient noise while I am tapping away at my laptop and sipping my peppermint tea. Krystol Slocombe