Print.IT Reseller - issue 108

01732 759725 44 VOX POP continued... customers to access all their business and IT services from one location. It’s not just large companies who need this type of support, it is all types and sizes of businesses and organisations whose day-to-day operations are connected digitally and it’s here to stay so suppliers like us must be match-fit and ready for whatever is coming. Richard King: Here at iTS we pride ourselves on our carefully selected connected product portfolio. From digitisation features in PaperCut MF and PaperCut Hive, to powerful elite artificial intelligence in Umango, through to Willow360 our newly released inhouse developed cloud-based workflow management solution. Jon Palin: Elmdale Maintenance is a service-led office and business solutions provider, so, first and foremost we provide our customers with managed print solutions with a comprehensive strategy to print management, which helps customers to plan ahead and think about the bigger picture. This is where Elmdale IT Services plays its part, providing IT support and maintenance, integrating cloud systems, providing VoIP telecoms with CRM apps and collaboration tools, such as browser-based video conferencing and preparing customers for the big switch off in 2025. IT has become an integral part of every company’s landscape and in order to maximise this investment, servers, networks, PCs, printers and peripherals are required to function continuously. A well-maintained operation ensures that user downtime is limited, and staff productivity is maximised. Mark Ash: At Konica Minolta we provide a wide range of digital solutions that are designed to power the digital transformation of our customers. To help customers understand their current position within their digital journey as a starting point, we offer the free DX360° digital maturity assessment which gives an unbiased review and expert analysis of what has been achieved and what opportunities there are to improve and broaden digital transformation. As a simple and cost-effective but powerful way to speed up the process of digital transformation we offer the Workplace Pure platform, a marketplace of services including document translation, document conversion, cloud print and direct upload to cloud repositories – all from a single trusted source. This is particularly well suited to helping our SMB customers evolve their legacy infrastructure and analogue processes into a modern digital cloudfirst approach, without the need to install and manage new hardware and software. We also provide more direct and bespoke help through our Smart Workflow Services, which map, analyse and help an organisation understand what’s behind its paper-based workflows and propose solutions to digitise and optimise these workflows. We employ bespoke intelligent software to capture and categorise print data to allow the identification and subsequent elimination of inefficient paper-based workflows, exposing previously invisible paper-centric processes. This not only optimises workflows and saves time/ money through more efficient processes, but it also helps with sustainability (reducing the CO2 production, pollution and water use from production of paper and electronics) and reduces the costs of paper/toner and potential the numbers of printers required. Arjan Paulussen: We have the advantage of going through the digital transformation process within our own business so we can bring those insights and learnings to our customers and channel partners. The transformation journey we’ve been on as a company has helped us break down internal silos and make data available across the business. And by analysing our own data, we’ve been able to identify opportunities to advance and innovate across our operations, product and service delivery. One example of this is the work we are doing within IoT. Today the average Lexmark printer is equipped with more than 120 sensors dedicated to collecting data. This data is gathered from the millions of Lexmark devices under management worldwide and stored in the proprietary Lexmark IoT Hub – a single, globally managed print services platform that feeds intelligence to Lexmark’s R&D and customer service functions, helping us build better products and solutions, and better serve our customers. As I mentioned, we’ve also invested heavily in our cloud solutions portfolio in recent years. One recent innovation in this area, and very soon available in Europe, includes our Cloud Scan Management tool which provides support for scanning to Microsoft OneDrive and SharePoint. With Lexmark CSM, users gain the ability to scan files directly into a folder to be shared with remote employees. And organisations can achieve alignment between online and paper-based forms for those scanned and available through a digital portal. Simon Hill: Vasion has a desire to lead in new technologies – we are always eager to break new ground. We have done it by moving print management to the cloud in 2016 as we knew the cloud was where digital transformation was moving key processes. PrinterLogic is a cloudnative solution that eliminates legacy hardware. We also understood that we would need to bridge the old to the new, so PrinterLogic was designed and built to ensure legacy system integration would be simple and effective. Moving forward, our Vasion product is looking to continue our innovative reputation by making digital transformation available to everyone. Organisations can now integrate capture, signature, workflow, and content management with a single SaaS solution. They can now deliver compliance, accountability, and scalability to the business with a simple to use solution that minimises solution development times and costs. Vasion is revolutionising the way organisations undergo digital transformation, empowering them to optimise their processes, enhance security, and unlock the full potential of the digital age. With Vasion as a trusted partner, organisations can confidently One recent innovation in this area, and very soon available in Europe, includes our Cloud Scan Management tool which provides support for scanning to Microsoft OneDrive and SharePoint John Green Jon Palin