Print.IT Reseller - issue 105

01732 759725 50 AND FINALLY Kelvin Paterson, Head of Supplies, Ingram Micro UK 60 seconds with… What’s currently having the greatest impact on your business? Currency stability is certainly an issue, in distribution we work on very tight margins as you can imagine, so when the rate moves by over 1% in a day, we need to be able to react quickly. Where do you see the next big opportunity? My primary focus is on supplies and please don’t believe it when you hear that ‘printing in offices/homes will end’ as even though there has been a decline, the opportunities out there for resellers are still huge. As for the next big opportunity, watch this space as we are in the early stages of launching our Xvantage platform to both partners and vendors. What would make your day job easier? Something we are trying to do at Ingram Micro is to reduce the number of emails sent internally, sometimes a two minute phone call or even a Teams call can save ten emails back and forth. What’s the best bit of business advice you’ve been given? I have worked with and for many charismatic people whose advice I couldn’t share before any watershed. One piece that has stuck with me though is “to put yourself in their shoes” whether dealing with a customer/vendor What was your first job? Professional footballer, a shortlived career where at the time I took it for granted, looking back I really should have tried harder. What would be your dream job? See “What was your first job” question. Just in case my manager reads this obviously it’s Ingram Micro. Fine dining and good wine, or curry and a pint? Most people who know me know my love for a nice glass of red, I know it’s not the done thing, but I am very happy with a glass of red and a curry. How do you like to spend your spare time? Having two children aged 12 and 9 my spare time easily gets filled driving them to classes of some sort. I also coach an under 13s girls football team, attempt the gym and apparently watch too much sport. Money’s not an issue, what’s your perfect car… and where would you like to drive it? I have never been a massive car person, but I do like old American classics so I think a Mustang driven along route 66 would be hard to beat. Favourite holiday destination. I spent some time in Thailand several years ago and loved it, but my current bucket list has to be a visit to Nashville to go to the Grand Ole Opry. I love my modern country and attend a lot of concerts in the UK. Kelvin Paterson or even another member of the team, sometimes its best to take a step back and see it from their side. If you had had a crystal ball, would you have done anything differently? I really wouldn’t, I cannot say everything I have done worked or was even the right decision, but it’s all helped make me the person I am today. Describe your most embarrassing moment. I have been trying to think of one that didn’t involve alcohol and dancefloors which is something nobody needs to see. A long long time ago I was at a very big corporate event and I was introduced to someone, I quickly shook his hand and as I was walking away I could see he was still speaking to me but by then it was too late. Five minutes later my boss at the time asked me why I would wander away from Bill Gates as he was trying to speak to you!!