Advanced Asset Protection
For more information visit
or contact
+44 (0)1689 860757
Protect Stock,
Assets and Cash
fromtheft and robbery*
SelectaDNA gives you day and night time protection
against robberies, break-ins and theft.
Activated bymoney clips, panic alarms, pressure pads
and a variety of other devices the SelectaDNA Spray
can be integrated into your existing security systemor
installed as a standalone system. DNA identification is
feared by criminals worldwide as being identified by a
unique SelectaDNA code irrefutably places a suspect
at the crime scene. The SelectaDNA Spray can be used
in conjunctionwith SelectaDNAGels andmarking
compound tomake the whole business a no go area for
In Police trials SelectaDNA has reduced theft and
burglaries by up to 83%.
Selectamark Security Systems plc,
1 Locks Court, 429 Crofton Road,
Locksbottom, Kent, BR6 8NL. UK.
SelectaDNA is a registered trademark of:
* The SelectaDNA Property marking product is a Secured by Design approved product.