Business Info - issue 134

01732 759725 magazine 07 Do you need to manage complex voice and data communication in a multi-site organisation? Call us now to help simplify and save costs with an MPLS network from Spitfire Spitfire Network Services Ltd: Training TechTalks Telecoms and IP Engineering Solutions for Business since 1988 Innovative • Flexible • Reliable • Supportive • Cost Effective Sales 0800 319 6010 • Partner Services 0800 319 6500 Make sense of it all with Spitfire MPLS Weaver birds live in colonies of hundreds of intricate nests and each species possesses their own unique construction strategy • Easily managed and secure private network solutions •  Wide choice of Ethernet and DSL circuit connectivity options • Cost effective bandwidth and quality of Service • Centrally managed internet breakout • Ideal for VoIP and SIP Trunks • Network wide SLAs • No expensive routers •  Easily scaled up or down by adding or moving sites or circuits WINNER 2013 SMEHosted SoluƟon FINALIST 2013 BestChannel ISP FINALIST 2011 InternetService Providerof theYear HIGHLY COMMENDED 2012 BestChannel ISP HIGHLY COMMENDED 2014 Best ISP WINNER 2013 SMEHosted SoluƟon FINALIST 2013 BestChann l ISP LIST 1 Service erof ear HIGHLY COMMENDED 2012 BestChannel ISP HIGHLY COMMENDED 2014 Best ISP WINNER 2013 SMEHosted SoluƟon INNER 0 0 ervice viderof eYear FINALIST 2013 BestChannel ISP FINALIST 2011 InternetService Providerof theYear HIGHLY COMMENDED 2012 BestChannel ISP HIGHLY COMM NDED 2014 Best ISP WINNER 2013 SMEHosted S luƟon WINNER 010 Service Providerof theYear FNALIST 2013 BestChannel ISP FINALIST 2011 InternetService Providerof theYear HIGHLY COMMENDED 2012 BestChannel ISP HIGHLY COMMEN ED 2014 Best ISP WINNER 2013 SMEHosted SoluƟon WINNER 2010 Servic Providerof theYear FINALIST 2013 BestChannel ISP FINALIST 2011 Int netService Pr vid rof theYear HIGHLY COMMENDED 2012 stChan el ISP HIGHLY CO M NDED 2014 Best ISP WINNER 2013 SMEHosted SoluƟon WINNER 201 Service Providerof theYear FINALIST 2 3 BestChannel ISP FINALIST 2011 InternetService Providerof theYear IGHLY COMMENDED 2012 BestChannel ISP HIGHLY COMMEN E 201 Best ISP WINN R 3 SMEHosted SoluƟon WINNER 2 10 Service Providerof th Year FINALIST 2 BestChannel ISP FINALIST 2 1 InternetService Providerof theYear IGHLY EN ED 2 estChan el ISP HIGHLY C MENDED 014 Best ISP WINNER BestHostedPlatform 2015 HIGHLY COMMENDED Best ISP 2015 WINNER BestHostedPlatform 2015 HIGHLY COMMENDED Best ISP 2015 WINNER BestHostedPlatform 2015 HIGHLY COMMENDED Best ISP 2015 WINNER ACUTABOVE BestHostedPlatform 2015 HIGHLY COMMENDED Best ISP 2015 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT AWARDS 2016 Best Corporate Internet Service Provider SOUTH EAST ENGLAND Weaver Bird [Ploceidae]