Business Info - Issue 127 - page 15

01732 759725
Data capture
made easy
Fujitsu fi-7030 entry-level professional scanner
heralds new approach for scanner market leader.
With the launch of its new entry-level document scanner,
the fi-7030, Fujitsu subsidiary PFU (EMEA) Ltd is lowering the
entry point for professional information capture and helping
businesses of all sizes accelerate their digital transformation.
The 27 pages per minute (54 ipm duplex) scanner is being supplied
with a full PaperStream Capture 1.5 licence, which Fujitsu expects
to become the main interface for defining processes and routines
for capturing information to feed into workflows, repositories or
enterprise content management systems.
The combination of PaperStream Capture 1.5 and the
PaperStream IP driver brings new capabilities to smaller businesses
by simplifying the creation of digital processes that mimic existing
analogue workflows. It also presents optimised scanned images
on-screen at the rated speed, thanks in part to a new ‘browse view’
showing thumbnails and previews on one screen for rapid validation
of images during scanning.
New approach
Klaus Schulz, Senior Manager Product Marketing EMEA at PFU (EMEA),
Business Info
that making PaperStream Capture 1.5, rather than
the scanner hardware itself, the most important point of interaction
with users is a new approach for Fujitsu.
“We are moving away from looking at the hardware first and the
paper as the object that needs to be digitised to focus on capturing
information. This means not just sticking to a digital resemblance
of the document, but scanning and being able to verify that the
scanned content and presented digital content is actually what
you had wanted to scan. Then, within that seamless
capture process, being able to extract some
information automatically or semi automatically
and present it as indexing data, as
metadata describing the document,
and validating the digital copy of that
document by releasing it into pre-
defined process routines or productive
sub-systems,” he said.
Fujitsu :
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